

The Pretorian is typically a heavily armored individual who serves as the wall between the foes you face & your allies behind. However, there have been cases where hard times or personal preference may take the clad shell of armor off their body. The most defining feature of every Pretorian is the shield they bear. Strapped to their back or carried in hand, it is never far from them.  

Hit Points

Starting Hit Points is 12 with a D10 Proficiency Die for anything related to disease, condition saves, etc. For every level gained, they utilize the D10 to add additional HP or half the die automatically if they roll a 4 or below.


The Pretorian is skilled with the use of Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor sets.


The Pretorian is skilled with the use of melee weapons in Simple and Martial and receives a +2 to hit, but lacks natural talent with range weaponry. Should The Pretorian use a ranged weapon, they receive a -5 to hit.


You may select two talents that are granted at a +2. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Additionally, you may select one of the following features.


As an Action you may use a Hero Point to draw the attention of the battlefield to you (up to 150 feet). Any attack not made at you until the start of your next turn is made at a disadvantage.

2nd Skin

As an Action you may use a Hero Point to increase your armor class by 2 for three rounds. This effect expires at the end of your 3rd turn.  

Level 1 Class Features

  You may select one of the class features below.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Shield Sacrifice

As a reaction you can deflect all attack damage from yourself or an ally within 5 feet for this round but your shield breaks and is destroyed. This maneuver can even be activated after the damage has been inflicted. The break of your shield can be avoided by spending one Hero Point.  

Sheild Ram

As an action you may spend 1 Hero Point and may make a Strength Profeiciency Die attack roll to knock an opponent within 5ft off balance, granting the next attack made against the creature advantage.  

Level 2 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5. You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Temporary Cover

As an action you may spend 1 Hero Point to Embed your shield into the ground creating a small wall to cover one side of you. Doing so removes your shield bonus and applies it to one singular direction, but frees up a 2nd hand.  

Fight in the shade

As a reaction you may raise your shield against a range attack, granting you or an ally within 5ft a +2 in Armor Class against that targeted attack.  

Level 3 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5. You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes.  

Ever Present Sheild

As a passive feature, so long as you are actively wearing your shield, you will always gain its bonus, regardless of the direction you are facing.  

Sense of Urgency

At the start of combat, you may double your move speed for free in an attempt to reposition where you need. Note, that you may still take the dash action.  

Level 4 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5. You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Enhaned Taunt

Taunt no longer costs an action and is considered a Free action to spend the Hero Point.  

I am the Wall

You become like a wall, unmovable. Any attempt to move you from your space is made at a disadvantage.  

Level 5 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5. At level 5 your Hero has suffered enough to have more prowess in battle. you may select one of the following features.
  • A plus 2 to your Primary Proficiency Die
  • A plus 4 to your lowest Proficiency Die
  • A plus 1 to two Proficiency Dies of your choice
  Additionally, You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Sheild Passion

The shield you carry has become so much a part of you, you manage to naturally enhance your defensive ability with it. It and every shield you spend an hour with will gain +1 to its armor class while you wield it.  

Drill Master

Becoming "The wall" to your party has become your mantra. If you spend 1 hour drilling with your shield you may convert up to five of your Defense Points into Hero Points.
"I am the Wall" - Some Pretorian