Death - Bleeding-Out

How this Works


Hitting Zero HP

Death is sudden, and your life is uncertain. Instead of the player rolling to see if their Hero will continue, the GM will take the mantel of death.   Players are now in bleeding-out status upon reaching zero hit points as long as the dmage delt to them to get to zero is not higher than their total hit points. This condition allows the hero to still make some use of themselves.  
  • Upon hitting zero hit points, the Hero will take their next full turn in the turn order. At the end of the turn the GM will make a 1d20 + Constituion Profecency Die roll with the Hero's class with a DSDC of 15.
  • Upon success, the hero will continue to function in the turn order.
  • Upon a failure, the Hero falls to the ground unconscious.
  • On a critical success, the hero Binds the wound to stop the condition and gains 1 Hit Point.
  • On a critical failure, your Hero falls to the ground dead.
  • These are repeated until the hero goes unconscious
  • Once the hero is on the ground, the GM will roll every round on a 1d20 + Constitution Profencey Die roll - 5 against a DSDC of 15
  • Upon success, the Hero will continue to roll the next round to survive.
  • Upon a failure, the Hero dies.
  • On a critical success, the hero skips one turn of combat roll and continues to the next
  • On a critical failure, the Hero is dead.

Recover from Bleeding Out

Getting hit down to zero hit points in a session is a serious problem that no healing spell, potion, or stim, can fix in a quick manner. For 5 days in-game time, you receive a -5 down to -1 for recovery.  
  1. Day 1 is -5 to all rolls
  2. Day 2 is a -4 to all rolls
  3. Day 3 is a -3 to all rolls
  4. Day 4 is a -2 to all rolls
  5. Day 5 is a -1 to all tools

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