Toseus Iliren

Triumvir Toseus Iliren

Toseus Iliren was an elven leader who served as Triumvir during the Great Revolt. One of the most liberal Triumvirs in Thyrian history, Iliren steadfastly supported increasing the rights and representation of non-elves within government, especially for freedmen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born shortly prior to the Orcish Migration, Iliren's youth was filled with stories of orcish atrocities. Like many from an aristocratic family, Iliren had a multi-faceted education, preparing him for a noble's life. At the elven age of majority of 25, Iliren enlisted in the Imperial army. In 1283, Iliren was appointed to lead one of the first multi-racial battalions. This was in response to Morenthyr running low of elves to fight against the orcs, leading to expand military enlistment of other races.  

The Conclave

Joining the Conclave in 1292, Iliren quickly became a celebrated member of its liberal wing. He was the author of the Citizenship Expansion Act, granting current and former soldiers and their families Thyrian citizenship for all races.  

The Triumvirate

Iliren's experiences during the war led to his call for racial integration within the Empire. His appointment as Triumvir in 1325 was heralded as the first step for a new, more inclusive empire. However, a large backlash amongst conservative elves led to the appointment of Cirril Ancalan in 1331, who opposed Iliren at every turn.   During the Great Revolt, Iliren opposed the increasing brutality supported by rival Triumvir Cirril Ancalan. His opposition in the Conclave led to Ancalan's August Proclamation, in which Iliren was deposed and placed under arrest. Held in Belanore, the Devoted freed him shortly before the Battle of Thal'Narius in order to rally anti-slavery elves.  

Later Years

Following the abdication of Cirril Ancalan, Iliren was considered a candidate to become Emperor-Regent; however, The Devoted ended up choosing Oluien Trismaris. Iliren became a close ally of the new Emperor-Regent, and worked with him to rebuild Morenthyr. Iliren died in 1387, with rumors swirling that his death was the work of Traditionalist elves opposed to reform.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Triumvir of Morenthyr (former)
1225 EE 1387 EE 162 years old
Aligned Organization


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