"Nestled in the far corner of the Bulwarks as we are, we are the largest town to have survived the Greenskin conquest. We still pay tribute, but so long as we're generous the Legions are fully aware that it's more effort than it's worth to invade. Out here, that's a resource all its own."
~Rory Theemur, Mayor of Lispert.
Industry & Trade
Lispert was a mining town in its heyday, and they still ply the surrounding mountains with numerous mid to low yield mines dotting the whole of the mountain range. They use this material for trade through Fort Hopewell and most of the rest goes to paying tribute to passing Legions. Their current 'protectors' are the 4th Legion, negotiated by Voort Theemur. Ever since this settlement, they haven't suffered through a raid, an unprecedented period of peace.
Much of the town is an abandoned mine, with the inhabitants living in caves made comfortable for the purpose. The mountain they built into is honeycombed with homes and through-ways, with a manse built on top for the town's most prominent citizen, Voort Theemur. This manse was built on the ruins of the home of the town's last protector, the Jeakine Warrior(prose:f150af7f-ab50-4a0f-bed6-0b9669bf086e) @[Mubroscor Gradz.
Natural Resources
The town has access to coal, a few jewel mines, steel, gold, and silver. There is a small platinum mine that was recently discovered.
Founding Date
Year 171
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location