Lovelir (law-veh-leer)
Lovelir is the westernmost island of the 6 major Snow-Rock Isles. Appropriately named for those who misinterpret it, Lovelir is home to open meadows and small forests which live in short bursts of bloom. Regardless of it's common beauty, it is mostly used by farmers and breeders. Small towns are interspersed throughout, each with a diverse selection of crops and cattle.
When Lovelir was first found, it changed the course of Snow-Rock life entirely. Fishermen could become farmers, diversify their diets, and unknowingly prepare for globalization. Lovelir cattle are prone to island gigantism compared to their mainland counterparts, and are also far more desirable. Small amounts of farmland means breeders need to make the most of their livestock, making them some of the most expensive resources in Laminarum.
Home to meadows, forests, oases, and grasslands.
The wild ecosystem has mostly been stamped out by farmers.
Ecosystem Cycles
On a monthly basis, trees and flowers bloom before dying. Due to the overexertion, the lifecycle of plants is relatively short here. Attempts to bring seeds abroad have unilaterally failed.