Jurejun (your-eh-yune)

Jurejun is the northernmost of the substantial Snow Rock Isles. Surrounded by mystery and horror stories, the island was considered desecrated for the majority of the Islands Five's rule. The only groups that live on the island today are a series of lumbermills along the southern coast, though no individual is permitted to stay on the island for more than a few weeks due to health concerns. Aside from the collection of fine lumber, no political or economic operations function on the islands due to a combination of poor living conditions, sour history, and public superstition.  


The Jurejun ecosystem is unique, even amongst its sister isles. No freshwater exists amongst its brackish streams and the only viable water for its local herbs and trees is the vapor produced from its sulfur guisers. Much of the soil is gravel mixed from dirt and black calcium carbonate from long-dead clams that scatter the island. The sour ejections from the guisers paint the air with a yellow-brown hue; humans typically have to lower themselves to see clearly and most plant life exists with leaves above or below the haze. The island is relatively flat except for the northwestern region, which has some rocky hills. Some occasional research visits to the region claim that the waves push clams onto the island, slowly building the northern hills higher and pushing gravel further into the island's center. The exact species of clam in question lacks impressive features, though they seem exclusive to the northern shores of Jurejun.   The only recorded animal life are the small reptiles and the bugs they eat. Due to the extreme conditions on the islands, most animal communities are isolated to certain regions, creating ample opportunity for speciation. The majority of the animals on the island include lizards, salamanders, insects, crustaceans, and mollusks. Due to the thick sulfuric haze, most animals are either adapted to live low to the ground or at the tops of trees, creating yet another opportunity for speciation and habitat separation. Some diviners have even claimed life to exist around the guisers, though they're "imperceptible" to the eye.  


Jurejun was always avoided by the denizens of the isles due to its lack of sustainability. In its early days, the Islands Five descrated the islands and sent prisoners to live out their final days on the islands, believing it to be a death sentence. Although most sent to the islands would perish, it only takes one survivor to teach others how to do the same. Over a generation, several families (titled "cults" by the snow rocks) formed and lived their best lives across each corner of the islands. Eventually, the Strand-Blood Cult would receive a prophecy of new lands that urged them to travel across the sea, which prompted the matriarch (Abbot II to bind the other families under a pact. After travel preparations were made, Abbot II informed Kanel Logratte and the Islands Five of her plans to travel abroad with hopes of support. She was swiftly declined, being an enemy of the state. As she left Jurejun with her best sailors and fighters, the Islands Five took action in slaughtering any who stayed behind to fulfill their intended death sentence. Eventually, all of the inhabitants of Jurejun were slain and its status as a place of exile was discontinued.  

In Culture

It is said that the ghosts of the Strand-Blood Cult remain on the island, led by the rogue soul of Abbot II's son. These spirits hide throughout the haze leaving such an aura of terror that even insects know to avoid it. The horror stories shared about the island often serve to keep lumber mill workers from wandering the island and choking on its toxic air. Guiser ejections are believed to be human souls purged from the gates of Fahrefhal by Rel Eteisus himself when the plane becomes overcrowded with inhabitants, leaving them to wander the isles for eternity with their sinful bretherin.   Aside from superstition, the island does provide the world's best wood, several medical ingredients, and artifacts. Tools, tablets, and personal belongings of Jurejun's deceased inhabitants sell for a high price within the Augury (especially after the Bowhead Haseti's trade embargo) and provide valuable insights into the ancient isles. Several artifacts from the region, including a scaled headdress, a ring of black pearls, and a faded poem tablet were purchased by the Osman family for a total of 4500 gold pieces.
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