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22nd Session

General Summary

As the expedition is traveling through northern Ostra, they are attacked by a group of gnolls which they defeat. The kid is safe, though his mother is struck by an arrow by an arrow while she's fleeing with him. She's okay. Theodore picks up a glaive from one of the gnolls.

Moving on from the gnoll attack, the party travels north to Lashain. Crimson paid for passage down the Rebel River and then passage on a Time Clan steam boat up to Horace (30/3/8499). They get rooms in the Beatian city of Desmond Glade and the party is staying at the comfortable inn of the Gullible Turkey. They get paid 360 gp in gems each. The expedition will leave in 2 months and a new contract will be negotiated then.

The next day, the party joins Remez, Yavin, Crimson, Shalom, and Daniel in going to the library. Alle tags along to be with Caspian. There's guards outside the library that ask every to check any weapons and armor they have before entering the building which they do. Inside, there are numerous guards patrolling the multiple floors of the library. Remez asks a librarian about information on nuxrids. She directs him to the religion section on the fourth floor, but also recommends he investigates the archaism sections which are every floor and are comprised of books donated from Old Ones' personal collections. When asked about the guards, the librarian explains there is an VIP in today whose safety is very important.

Theo heads to the martial section on the second floor, Caspian gets dragged somewhere by Alle and Tasha heads to the first floor archaism section where the majority of the fiction books are. Before Tasha enters the archaism section, a veiled woman attempts to enter the archaism section, but is stopped and turned away by a guard. Tasha enters and finds a book of fables. When she finishes it, she comes out and sees the woman from before reading poetry.

Theo finished reading his weapons book and comes down. Together, Theo and Tasha approach the woman and ask about the new tend of women wearing full face veils. She explains that an old one started wearing veils and then other women followed suit. When questioned further, she admits she is the old one who started the trend. She has a particular practice of turning pages in the book during the conversation without ever tilting her head towards it. After Theo and Tasha introduce themselves, she reveals her name as Eirianwen Chronos, daughter of King Silverio, who had been presumed dead for the last few centuries, but returned about 2 months prior (23-1-8499). During some banter, she disclosed that she can't forget books, but has a very gracious attitude towards those whose creative endeavors fall short. Theo expresses great concern about not being able to forgot terribly written books. The princess eventually suggests the two move on as the guards are getting antsy and the two see that every guard within line of sight has eyes of them so they leave the royal alone. Theo later sends a letter to the king recommending he hires someone to preview books for his daughter so she doesn't have to read any crap.

Ellie reads up on medicine and some mind magic in hopes of finding a way to conteract Cyanhemians' magical influence over people. She finds some books on mind magic and psychology. He also reads up on hemophila and blood. She discovers it's generally passed from maternal grandfather to grandson, though it may run in materal lines as well as some other symtoms such as swelling and pain in joints and random nose bleeds.

A few days later (4/4/8499) is the Day of Ascension celebration that includes a parade. The party enjoys themselves visiting stalls and booths. Clansfolk don't drink alcohol, but Theo enjoyed the fruity fizzy drinks. Alle and Caspian saved places for the group for the parade. It's a very exciting parade full of music and dancing. Some people throw things into the crowd such as a short man tossing snowballs and a woman in silk casting flowers to the on lookers. Tasha and Caspian both catch flowers. Caspian gives his to Alle whom rewards him with a kiss.

While a carriage carrying Colonel Stoneface passes the section street the party is on, there is an assassination attempt on the princess which the colonel blocks with his own body. The crowd stays calm at the colonel's urging. Soldiers go after the would be assassin and they put up a roof on the carriage before rushing off. Two more roofed carriages pass before the crowd disperses.

That evening, there's an messenger at the Gullible Turkey looking for the party saying there's an old one who would like to meet with them the next day, offering to pay them 10 gp for each. The party obliges the request and goes. They are led to the office of one Colonel Andrew "Stoneface" Goldblade who offers them a job if they can keep their mouths shut, especially Theo as his place of nativity's government may be involved. As evidenced by yesterday's event, someone is trying to kill the newly returned princess and the party will be paid well if they help protect her. They agree, including Theo who doesn't like Goldblade, but he likes Eirianwen and he's getting paid.

Tasha asks about the man standing in the unlit corner, who steps out and reveals himself as the king, who wants to see the foreigners the Colonel is looking to hire. Theo tries to tell Silverio about getting a "book taster" for his daughter. He gets a funny look. Goldblade explains they aren't trusting even Clansfolks outside of old ones since they are sure there's someone on the inside. He's choosing to trust the party since Ellie wears the symbols of the Children of the Divine Mother. As Heartstone Abbey is a sacred place and home to holy warriors, he will place his faith in them.

The job is simple. The party is to escort the old one Galla Ortiz and her two grandchildren to the colonel's manor house outside of Nova Epoch while the royal family travels with a full guard the opposite direction to their summer home in Hunter's Edge. In reality, Shanna Ortiz will go to the summer home while princess Eirianwen goes to the colonel's home. After they flush out who trying to kill her, the colonel will come fetch her himself. They only need to escort her there as the colonel is confident she will be safe at Elkhorn Court, but he will pay the party 20 gp each for each day they stay there.

The king brings up some more considerations. He refers to his daughter as "delicate" and that she should be kept away from as much violence as possible. There's an extra 200 gp per person if they manage to keep her away from any unpleasantness. He also brings up that if Eirianwen becomes hysterical, she is not to be touched. Awake or asleep, no matter how much one wants to, no one should touch her. Ellie and Theo question what causes her to be hysterical. The hysterical is not magical in nature, however magic and talk of the past may send her into it.

Theo buys new armor.

TLDR: The party fights gnolls, make it to Horace and get paid. They go to library. Tasha and Theo met the returned princess. They go to a parade, witness an assassination attempt on the princess. They get hired to help protect her.

Rewards Granted

  • 208 exp
  • 380 gp each

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
31 Jul 2021
Primary Location
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