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BlastPowder is not strictly a "powder" but is a BoomPowder replacement created by Nithewin in MS5086.

BlastPowder is created through an alchemical process that requires the use of naturally magical ores. Unlike BoomPowder, this infuses the powder created with the ability to combust when struck by silver. In addition, the infusion of magic into the creation process means that the charge can be enchanted.
  • An enchanter can strengthen the charge to create a more powerful ballistic effect
  • An enchanter can layer additional magics to create enchanted effect(s)
Cost Type of BlastPowder Charge Game Effect
3 Gold BlastPowder Charge Required to fire pistols and rifles
6 Gold Enhanced BlastPowder Pistol Charge + enhanced effect to pistol shot*
10 Gold Enhanced BlastPowder Rifle Charge + enhanced effect to rifle shot*

Enhanced Effects

A number of enhanced effects can be laid upon BlastPowder charges. Currently, Grey Covenant enchanters have not been able to infuse a charge with more than 10 Active Points of effects. Some sample effects are defined below.
  • Heavy Charge: +2 damage classes to shot
  • Elemental Charge: apply elemental effect to the shot
  • Ghost Charge: applies affects desolid advantage to shot
  • Armor-Piercing Charge: applies armor piercing advantage to shot

Political Complications.

The BlastPowder variant is currently under consideration by the Kingdom of Bor. It is currently in use by the WraithHunter Rangers of Eldenora, and often used by Steamjacks in Eldenora. While it is not strictly the same in chemical composition as BoomPowder, BlastPowder is similar enough to warrant further consideration. That BlastPowder was invented by Nithewin , a banished Drodarin, or dwarf criminal, only complicates the issue. The Thanes are currently in disagreement and their lack of action has led to a de facto endorsement of the current status quo.


BlastPowder is still novel enough that its production is carried out by few experts. There are labs for production in Duadon and The Smokehouse in Abesko are the primary production centers in Eldenora.
Parent Technologies
Nithewin produced the original process for the creation of a BlastPowder.  From there, multiple members of the Grey Covenant have created processes for binding magics to BlastPowder applications.
Access & Availability
The BlastPowder variant is currently in use by the WraithHunter Rangers of Eldenora, and often used by Steamjacks in Eldenora.  It can be purchased in Eldenora with proper licensing by the Barony of Abesko or Duadon .
BlastPowder is alchemically complex and requires a skilled alchemist for production.
BlastPowder was engineered by Nithewin in MS 5086 while he was residing in Eldenora under the patronage of Baron Loghain .


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