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The most basic official unit within the legion. The century is how legionnaires are organized and at least one century needs to be maintained for an individual to become a governor. Legionnaires are not to be deployed to a settlement or forward locations in anything smaller than a century, however once there can be divided up into their contubernums to patrol various locations in the area they were deployed.



Centuries are compromised of 80 combat troops; 32 hastati, 32 principes, and 16 triarii, as well as 20 support elements, 16 capsarii and 4 cornicen.


A century is commanded by the centurion attached to the century. The centurion is given orders usually by the primi ordine or sometimes by the legate. The Century also has an optio who is the second in command and takes control of the century should the centurion be incapacitated or die.


The century stays together in the legion and is the anvil. It is meant to be a large grouping of shields very difficult to penetrate. While not skilled at killing quickly they are conditioned to be able to fight for long periods of time wearing down the enemy and whittling them down or waiting for the equite to destroy the enemy's rear lines.


The century is professionally trained and drilled. Although they are not particularly elite the legionnaires that make up a century at the very least have set tactics and training they can rely on if they get into sticky situations. At the very least the lesser trained centuries can be sent forward to tire the enemy out until more skilled units can mop up the enemy and even if they don't do a significant amount of damage they won't take a significant amount of casualties.


Logistical Support

Centuries are well equipped and supplied with weapons forged by the brothers of iron. They also don't carry food rations with them, at least not a significant amount, as they are fed by the capsarii brought with them who are able to create food using their divine powers. This means supply trains don't need to be as extensive and centuries cut off from supply don't die of starvation.
Overall training Level
Parent Formation
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