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The cavalry of the Sunreach Legions. These are usually staffed by wealthier individuals who can afford a horse, however the poorer who show aptitude in horsemanship can be given state issued equipment and a horse to bolster the legions fast moving flanking elements. There are always equites, between 1 to 5 centuries worth, attached to a legion, but they almost act as auxiliaries as they receive direct commands from the legatus or praefectus and have their own centurions known as decurions.



The Equite are decently numerous, Sunreach has an excellent horse breeding program filled with strong and fast horses to bolster the ranks. Equites are trained in mounted combat and as such require more time to train up to legion standards and therefore aren't as numerous as the legionnaires.


Equites are equipped with Lorica Hamata to make it easier to ride their horses. They carry with them a lance, a longsword, and a steel shield. They also are given chain shirt barding for their horses as well as horseshoes of speed to make their horses quicker and more devastating on the charge. Along with this equipment they also have several potions of cure wounds to heal minor wounds.


Equite are fast moving, but heavy shock cavalry. Their horses are designed to quickly wheel around enemy lines and crash into their rear. This is after the legions have locked the enemy formations in combat. They are the hammer in the hammer and anvil tactics that Sunreach uses. They are designed to have their initial charge be devastating and terrifying enough to cause the enemy formation to break once they are surrounded. The Equite thanks to their horseshoes of speed are still quick even though they are heavy shock cavalry and this allows them to act as reconnaissance in situations where divination mages are unable to scout ahead.


Equite are trained in horse combat thoroughly. They also train their horses to not fear charging into the rear of heavily armed infantry. Their training lasts for a few months ensuring the rider is comfortable with their horse and are skilled enough to charge the enemy with their lance and switch to their swords once they have engaged. The training is rigorous, but not terribly intensive meaning a significant number of volunteers are able to become equites.


Logistical Support

Equite carry their own supplies with them when they are on the march. They have several bags on their horses for their food as well as some feed for their horses. The Equite don't need to carry that much food, only enough to go on scouting missions as their food is usually provided by the capsarii.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
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