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Primi Ordine

The "ranks of the first cohort" were the five centurions of the first cohort, and included the primus pilus. This rank is senior to all other centurions, save the primus pilus. The primi ordines are the highest rank in the military that can be achieved without promotion by a sentinel or council of alternate member.



Primi Ordines are comprised of the surviving centurions from the storming of Dayhill. They showed themselves to be competent commanders as well as fighter by surviving the battle. There are currently only 12 Primi Ordines and as the process for achieving the station requires one to go through a perilous trial and as such their numbers are hard to increase or refill.


Primi Ordine wear the standard Sunreach Lorica Segmentata, but crafted with magical protections improving their protection. They also wield a massive tower shield as most members of the legion do as well as a longsword that burns with flame. They also carry pilum to throw on the charge with their soldiers.   On top of this they wear several magical items such as a belt improving their strength and toughness. The wear magical rings of protection to decrease the chance they get hit. On top of this they wear a cloak that protects them from magical influences. So they can better get a lay of the battlefield and what enemies they may be fighting they wear goggles to improve their eyesight and see much further than they would normally. On top of the goggles they also bring potions of acute senses to further improve their eyesight to see possible hidden enemies. In order to better motivate their troops they wear a circlet of persuasion which improves their ability to inspire their troops and get them to do tasks they don't want to.


The Primi Ordines are near the top of the legion hierarchy. They are the highest position within the legion that can be achieved before a sentinel or council of alternates member would be required to promote them further. The only two positions that are higher than them in the legion are the legate and the praefectus castrorum. They will often take command in smaller engagements leaving the legate to deal with larger issues. Primi ordines can order centurions if they see fit and if they see a situation that the legate doesn't they have the authority to reroute soldiers and deal with the situation or exploit a gap in the enemy lines.


Primi Ordines utilize standard legion techniques forming a brick wall of legionnaires and anchoring enemies in place so the cavalry can swing around and flank them. Their tactics involve a game of attrition where they attempt to slowly whittle down the enemy while hiding behind their shields slowly chipping the enemy away until the enemy break or their cavalry can flank and route them.   If the situation begins to go south the primi ordines have drilled organized retreats into the legionnaires. They are supposed to fall back until they reach friendly lines again. If they get surrounded they are able to form the legionnaires into a solid square difficult to pierce through and hope they can hold out until assistance arrives.


Primi Ordines receive excellent training and are responsible for training their centurions who serve under them. Their battle with Myzorock taught them a significant amount about fighting against impossible odds. They also have been receiving training from the knight of Rust who is a skilled martial fighter responsible for teaching many of the soldiers the skills they use in their formations. Primi Ordines train daily to keep their skills sharp and ensure when things go south they don't panic and instead fall back on their training.


Primi Ordines were formed during the storming of Dayhill. They were the centurions that served in the legions during the attack and were the only ones who survived. They worked underneath Jason Volker who organized them as best he could to keep as many soldiers alive while still accomplishing their goals.   Today the Primi Ordines are sent out with a century or two to deal with minor threats that don't require a legate's presence. They are also used as the legate's officers in larger engagements, but those have been few and far between on the Plains of Barathord. They have served with distinction and are skilled fighters and tacticians.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
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