Yai Character in Matera | World Anvil
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Yai (Yah-eye)

The One Who Creates the Thunder

The Primal Elemental of Air, Yai is the ruler of the skies and the embodiment of storms. She is the creator the patron deity of the Eleyai.

Divine Domains

Being the essence of the air, sky, and thunder, Yai holds the supreme domain over the primal elements of the air. Her divine followers gain access to the Air, Artifice, Law, Nobility, and Weather domains, as welll as the Alchemy, Aristocracy, Cloud, Lightning, Storms, and Wind subdomains.


When manifested in avatar form, Yai wields a hammer and shield crafted out of solidified cloud-stuff. Together they are known as Sound of Thunder, and when she slams them together, it creates the cracks of thunder that can be heard around the globe. It is said that she used these items in the beginning of the world to break empty space and form it into the sky.

Holy Books & Codes

Yai's holy book is known as The Voice of Thunder, which details her many accomplishments when crafting the sky and details her battle with Teth. It also details the proper ways to act in her name and the burden that those have to rule above those who are beneath them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yai's holy symbol is a lightning bolt striking a shield.

Tenets of Faith

Yais divine followers must adhere to the following code  
  • I will always remember that Yai remains above all, and act under her service.
  • I shall not allow the power of the sky to be corrupted by the unworthy. I will hunt down and destroy those who think of defiling Yai's gift.
  • I will work to protect Yai's chosen people, the Eleyai, even at the cost of my own life, so that they may spead Yai's gifts to others.
  • I shall not let others bring disrespect to Yai's name. Like a mighty gust of wind, I shall blow over those who would stand against Yai.
  • Like the buildup to a storm, I shall save my power and reserve my fury for the right time to strike, and not spend it wastefully. 
  • When the time to strike comes, I will strike swiftly and precisely, like a bolt of lightning. Lighting and Thunder has no hesitation, and neither shall I.


The church of the Boundless Sky celebrates several main holidays:   Possibility Day: Just as the sky holds endless possibilities, so does the service to Yai and the nation. Celebrated on the 26th of Amara, it is a day of service, where even those in the lower dregs of society can prove their potential and earn a higher position in life. Some services observe multiple Possibility Days, often on the last day of each month, in the hopes of finding talent that would otherwise be lost.   Elevation Day: Celebrated on the 32nd of Ura, it is a day of thanks for Yai elevating her chosen people above the squabble of the world. On the day, those in higher positions reward those below them who have shown promise throughout the year. Many promotions are saved for this day, and it fuels much competition between the lower ranks.   Day of Holy Thunder: Celebrated on the 12th of Matra, it represents the day Yai smote her traitorous child Teth after Teth forever split the earth and sky apart. It is a day of crackdown, as the church and its agents in the Svanti Empire make coordinated attacks on those who would threaten the stability of the realm. At the end of the day, large feasts and celebrations are held in honor of Yai and her victories.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Yai's primary goals are the protection of the Air Materil and the prosperity of her chosen people, the Eleyai. As a Primal Elemental, Yai and is essence of the sky itself, thus she has little concern or goals of anything outside her domains.

Physical Description

Body Features

When manifesting as an avatar or communing with her followers, Yai appears as a massive womanly frame composed purely of cloudstuff, descending from a thundercloud.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As one of the Four Primal Elementals, Yai is one of the oldest beings in creation. When she emerged from the World Tree, she was responsible for crafting the foundation of Kirru and a majority of its contents. In ancient times, it was said the the sky was a much different place, able to be accessed and walked upon by all manner of creatures. But when the Titan War began in the age of conflict, Yai's daughter, the Titan of Air, Teth performed a foul ritual that forever separated the Earth and the Sky. Working together with the lord of the Dwarven Pantheon, Sartos, Yai gives birth to Urur, and helps them craft the dwarven sky fortress. After the war concluded, the dwarves used these mighty fortress to create an realm-spanning empire. Records conflict, but many of the Dowa dwarves state that Yai had ordained their rule and gave them her blessing, but then undermined them, working secretly to aid the collapse of their empire to allow her children, the Eleyai, to create one in their place. Members of the Church of the Boundless Sky debate this, stating that the Dowan Empire became tyrannical, and they liberated the realm from their iron grip.

Gender Identity

Yai manifests primally in a female form, but like all true deities, her form is not fixed and can change genders at will.


Contacts & Relations

Yai's herald is a massive lightning elemental known as Kenraniro, roughly translating to the "Bolt of Judgement". Its strikes can cause a person to instantly disintegrated under Yefs divine fury, and it can travel and incredible speeds, striking in a instant.   The Tengu Deity Hunginn was elevated to godhood to work as a spy for Yai. While they have long such parted ways, they still often work together. His child, Ra, is said to be one of Yai's most favored, destined to one day rule over all of the creatures of the sky in her name.   The leader of the Svanti Empire and the head of the Church of the Boundless Sky known as Yarashi the Tempest. It is said the he often personally communes with Yai.

Family Ties

As a member of the Primal Elementals, Yai is considered a sibling to the others, Yaw, Yea and Yef. While it is said that they where once close in the past, Yai and Yea and now constant rivals, never able to agree on anything.   Yai is also considered to be the mother of many deities, including the Titan Teth, the Primal Beastman Rataoskr, the Enthosian demigod Esva, the Alkan deity Iu-Sen, the Dwarven Deity Urur, the Elven Deity Skuith, the Gnommish Deity Neshomu. Due to being created from once divine servitor of Yai, some claim Yai as a mother figure for Bir-tarha, but neither Bir-Tarha or Yai seem to consider their relationship familial.




Towards Thanaloc




Towards Yai




Towards Yai



Towards Hazerial



Towards Yai



Towards Alpha


Sister (Vital)

Towards Yaw




Sister (Vital)

Towards Yai





Towards Yai



Towards Guzmeg



Towards Yai



Towards Erá



Towards Yai



Towards Sartos



Towards Yai



Towards Alka


Brother (Vital)

Towards Yai




Sister (Vital)

Towards Yef




Sister (Vital)

Towards Yea




Brother (Vital)

Towards Yai





Towards Yai



Towards Ân

Divine Classification
Primal Elemental Deity
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Yai's primary title is the One Who Creates the Thunder, referencing the bursts of thunder she creates when wielding Sound of Thunder, but has many other titles, including "The Mother of the Eleyai", "Elemental Lordess of Air" and "The Mighty Tempest."
Year of Birth
101 4002 Years old
Thanaloc (Partner)
Hazerial (spouse)
Alpha (spouse)
Guzmeg (spouse)
Erá (spouse)
Sartos (spouse)
Alka (spouse)
Ân (spouse)
Yaw (Sister)
Yef (Brother)
Yea (Brother)
Current Residence
The Boundless Sky
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let Yai Strike Me": Often followed up with "where I stand" it is a declaration that one speaks the truth, and if they are lying, that Yai shall send a bolt of lightning to punish them for their transgressions."   "As Above, So Below": Said by members of the church when they are giving gifts or performing acts of generosity, it is meant to convey the graciousness of the sky to elevate those below them to a similar level.   "The Ground is Your Limit": Said in distain to the enemies of the church or other undesirables, stating how they will never raise above their lowly status.   "Let Them Fall": Often said as an execution order, it means to allow someone to plummet from their current standing to a lower one, or a statement that they shall not receive any help from the speaker.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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