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The Eastern Sea

Black waters, a mist that hangs over the sea and clouds that forever lurk above, blocking the sun and the stars, the Eastern Sea is a large ocean located to the East of Mellanvärlden. Fish and sea life isn't seen anywhere all along the coast, with several myths and tales having been created in order to explain such fact. Moreover, no city is settled along the coast, given the fact no food can be extracted from the mysterious body of water.  



Sarusian-Umeran Version

  The Twin cities share the belief, or knowledge as they call, that the eastern sea leads to another land, the Lands of Shadow. Such place is said to have black sands and soil, with no life and forever covered by volcanic ash and clouds, reason as to why the sun never hits the ground. It is also said that sailing through the Eastern Sea is almost a dead sentence, as one cannot use the stars or the sun to track their location, with the thick mists and clouds that cover the horizon.   This is why Sarusa is called the last harbor to the East, because no other city can prosper further to the east.  

Snaggravian-Arialist Version

   The religious believe the Eastern Sea was once a prosperous and life-teeming ocean, which served as a source of food for hundreds of fishermen villages. However, one day, Exodus created a portal from their realm over a far away continent located to the East, which caused corruption to start seeping out from the portal and tainting the land and the sea, which caused all life to cease from existing in the sea. Drinking it is supposedly incredibly poisonous and harming, and attempting to sail the sea is a bad omen and frowned upon by the gods.  

Northerner-Gammalist Version

  Shared between the Gammalist belief and the overall northern culture, this myth tells that, in the beginning of time, Titans used to be able to travel between portals and reach Mellanvärlden, but they were all defeated by Engel, the God of Winter, who then tossed all their bodies in the Eastern Sea, which caused the sea to get tainted by the brimstone from their corpses. Because of this, the waters are poisonous, incredibly salty and unsafe for sailing.
Alternative Name(s)
The Black Sea, The Brimstone Waters
Location under