Season 4, Turn 03 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 03

Days 1 - 15 of the Second Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Clash of Kingdoms

  House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
Somewhere near Lannisport:
"They are coming, sire! Footmen marching from the east, flanked by cavalry coming from the south rear," the scout anxiously exclaimed, unable to hide the fear in his words. He looked back at his officer, Sir Darren Greenshield. Darren's composure was a sight to behold; soldiers around them were nervously fiddling and appearing uneasy, while Darren stood proudly, his expression carved with serenity. He emanated an aura of confidence and strength, and his men were grateful to have such a steadfast leader.   "The rabbit enters the hole," Darren said with acute punctuation, a slight smile forming on his otherwise serious demeanor. Some of the men, overhearing his words, looked around in confusion, wondering what he meant.   "Maester! Send a raven back to our Lord, inform him that Oakheart is moving as predicted, and we are prepared to intercept their movements."   "Yes, sire," the Maester replied hastily before putting the quill to parchment.   "Those scumbags thought they could get away with their actions? Well, we are here to show them otherwise," a hardened grimace formed on Darren's face. His determination echoed through the ranks, and his men stood ready for the impending confrontation.   Meanwhile, on Crakehall Border:
Racheval remained a formidable presence on the battlefield. "ARCHERS!" His command sliced through the tension-filled air, cutting through the oppressive silence that hung over the impending clash of armies. "LOOSE!" Racheval's voice, like a thunderclap, pierced the hearts of his foes.   Just moments earlier, Racheval had stood resolute in tall grass, his gaze fixed on the enemy line that eagerly awaited the battle. A malicious glint hid beneath their helmets, but Racheval was undaunted. "They will regret this, all of this," he thought with steely resolve.   "M'lord, we are ready to engage," a soldier reported from behind him.   "Good, is everything set up?"   "Yes, everything as planned," came the reassuring reply. Racheval's tense expression eased slightly, his knuckles whitening in anticipation as he mounted his horse.   With a signal, Racheval's troops prepared for battle. Tension gripped every man as they stood ready for the imminent clash. Suddenly, a low-pitched horn announced the battle, and the battle cries of both fronts clashed in a cacophony of chaos. Racheval led the advance of his horsemen, closing in on the enemy. Steel was about to meet steel in a deadly rhapsody.   However, just before the tune of battle could fully play out, Racheval issued a command. In perfect synchrony, his horsemen abruptly stopped their advance, pulling their reins far back. The scene was nothing short of impressive. Moments ago, these horsemen had charged at full speed, and now they had come to an abrupt halt, sliding for a few feet before settling into place, a cloud of dust and debris following their manoeuvre. Following this unexpected move was a hasty retreat backward.   The charging footmen of the enemy seemed perplexed. Their advance continued but at a significantly slower pace. This was not a standard battle tactic, and their officers couldn't decipher the strategy. However, they were pleased and cocky about it. "LOOK, at them kitty cats running to their mommy! Haha, those Serry scums have no honour and apparently little manhood to run away like that! MOVE and kill them all!" one of their officers shouted.   As if a wave of newfound strength had lifted their spirits, the Oakheart forces resumed their charge. Yet this ego-boost proved fatal. The rush of morale had blinded their thoughts, and what was once a coordinated charge turned into a chaotic scramble for an easy kill.   A smile curled at the edge of Racheval's mouth. "Gotcha."   After retreating a safe distance from their foes, Racheval's forces executed the same manoeuvre as before, turning their army to face the oncoming enemy. But before that could happen, another horn sounded, this time from the right flank, concealed behind a hillside.   Confusion spread like wildfire among the enemy forces, but it was too late. Emerging from the hillside was another group of horsemen, their formation shaped like a menacing triangle, their lances gleaming in the sunlight, causing the footmen to squint in their tracks.   "LOOSE!" was probably the last command they comprehended before a relentless onslaught of arrows descended from the front, their defences cut from the flank, and another storm of arrows claimed the last of those still standing. It was a brutal, methodical, and one-sided slaughter.   "Step by step, Jack, one at a time before I knock on your door," were Racheval's final thoughts for the day, a triumphant grin stretching across his face as he surveyed the battlefield.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
What cowardice is this?! I have heard news that House Caswell invades the lands of House Fossoway of Cider Hall! A loyal vassal of His Grace, King Vaegon! And without declaration!   Announce Caswell a traitor to your Realm Bracken, return these stolen lands, and take his head for this act of war. If you do not, the Kingdom of Storm will stand with House Targaryen of Summerhall in their next decree. Though this move surely seems familiar to those who remember the theft of King’s Landing.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
House Florent has also led an unsuccessful strike against Green Apple Fossoways —warmongers all around!   House Caswell | Kingdom of the Andals | nickjones12113
It was my understanding that a state of war was understood and I am merely following the will of his Grace.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Bracken ordered this assault… A worrisome prospect. It seems the peace we all wish for shall not come via the negotiating table.   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Let us all not act too hastily. Both sides have made reckless moves, such as Caswell's advances or King Vaegon's March through the south wall at Kingsroad at Hasty Hall, but peace is still achievable if both sides truly wish to work together.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
~While the battle raged north of Old Oak against Serry Forces, the castle itself was preparing for the armies of House Florent. Jack ordered his men to hold Hutcheson Wall, the last line of defense for his people to the south. Arrows and siege weapons rained down upon the Oakheart knights all day, while they barely held the Wall. But the plan was simple: wait till the cover of night and then launch a counter attack on the enemy.   ~When the time was right, the gates were opened and a flood of green rushed towards their foes. House Florent was under the command of Lord Sam Florent, the eldest son of Lord Alester Florent. Sam was not battle tested, but he had been trained by the finest knights in the realm for this moment. He was a noble and just man, who was beloved by the small folk around Brightwater Keep. He was the pride and joy of his father, who believed his son was ready to lead the Florent forces and bring honor and glory to their House.   After what felt like a lifetime, Jack had made it to the front, where Lord Sam was caught up rallying his men…   … When his guards saw Lord Oakheart, they rushed him, to protect their Lord. Both knights were cut down swiftly by Lord Jack, who continued to move towards Lord Sam. Sam, unable to process the situation, prepared for Jack's attack, readying himself. There was a quick parry between the two men, then Sam tried to disarm his opponent, and remove the Valyrian blade from the battle, but Jack was too quick. He shoved Sam to the ground and stomped on his sword hand, breaking it. Before Sam had a moment to defend himself or surrender, Jack plunged his sword deep into Sam's back, killing the young man.   ~Reports reach Hutcheson Wall that Bracken forces, under the command of their King, have arrived at Birchwood Keep. Jack knows now that his home will not stand, unless he can kill Otho and end the war before it begins   ~But before he can confront Otho Bracken, Lord Jack is informed that House Serry has broken the line at Oakheart Border and is heading for the castle. He gathers as many knights as he can spare and rides north, about 2 miles from Hutcheson Wall to stop Lord Racheval Serry and his host   The Duel of Oakheart and Serry 420 AC
(This RP death of a POV or Main Character, has been approved by both players)   In the heart of the Reach, the ancient castle of Old Oak stood as a symbol of House Oakheart's resilience and strength. For generations, the Oakhearts had held their fortress against countless threats, and today was no different. The forces of House Serry and House Florent had gathered, eager to lay siege to Old Oak and claim it as their own.   As the armies converged on the battlefield, the clash of steel and the war cries of soldiers filled the air. House Oakheart had always been known for its valiant warriors, and Lord Jack Oakheart was no exception. He rode forth with his Valyrian steel sword, Blackfyre, glinting ominously in the sunlight.   Lord Racheval Serry, a formidable opponent in his own right, led the charge for House Serry. With a heart full of determination, he spurred his steed forward and clashed with Lord Jack. Their swords met with a resounding clang, and the duel began.   The two lords appeared evenly matched in skill and valor. Their strikes were lightning fast, and each parry and counter was executed with precision. The battle around them raged on, but the combatants were locked in a world of their own.   As they rode back and forth against each other, Jack was suddenly thrown from his steed. An arrow had hit his horse and killed it. Luckily for him, he only felt a broken rib or two from the fall. Lord Serry, dismounted his horse and raced over to try and finish Jack before he could gather himself.   After a short but intense exchange, Lord Serry saw an opportunity. With a mighty swing of his shield, he struck Lord Oakheart's leg, causing a bone-crushing blow. Lord Oakheart cried out in pain but refused to yield. He knew that the fate of his house hung in the balance.   Summoning all his strength and determination, Jack lunged forward with a final, desperate attack. Blackfyre, the ancestral sword of House Targaryen, sang through the air and found its mark. The Valyrian steel blade pierced through Lord Serry's armor, cutting deep into Serry's neck, a spray of red mist covered Jack's face almost instantly. A look of disbelief crossed Racheval's face as he fell to his knees, his life slipping away. As he fell backwards, he was dead before his body hit the ground.   The battlefield fell silent as word of Lord Serry's defeat spread among his forces. In that moment, House Oakheart's courage and unwavering loyalty to their ancestral home had triumphed. Lord Jack Oakheart, bloodied and battered, stood victorious but gravely wounded, his leg maimed.


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