Duncan Fossoway Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Duncan Fossoway

Lord of New Barrel Duncan Fossoway (a.k.a. The Green Apple, The Fossoway Twins, Dunk)


Described as a gentle and genial man, Lord Duncan is nothing like his glory seeking twin brother, Lord David Fossoway. Duncan is fond of music and songs, and prefers books over weapons and soft fabrics over armor, but don't be fooled, trained like his brother growing up, he is quite proficient with a blade and in any melee situation. Duncan is observant and intelligent and considered handsome like his brother. Duncan and his mother's side of the family is usually referred to as the green-apple Fossoways, to differentiate them from the red-apple Fossoways from Cider Hall. He is generous, especially with the smallfolk under his domain, building bakeries, stables and selling his cider exclusively to his people for a discount.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

With Righteous Authority
Date of Death
1st Fortnight of the Sixth Moon
388 AC 420 AC 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Suicide - killed himself with his sword Oathkeeper


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