Master Faezorwyn Aspen Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Master Faezorwyn Aspen

What Do We Know?

Master Faezorwyn Aspen, often simply called Master Faezorwyn for short is a female wood elf of an unknown age. She is known for having a very "don't fuck with me" kind of personality and seems more than capable of killing someone if they do choose to mess with her. Master Faezorwyn is the Master/Professor of evocation magic at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in the northern city of Andron. She is also well known for being married to her wife Master Orina Aspen, another professor for a different school of magic there at the same academy.   Master Faezorwyn, being the teacher for evocation at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers, was probably the teacher that Milo spent the most time with while he was enrolled as an official student there. He likely stayed after class with Master Faezorwyn on a number of ocassions to help hone his craft further. With that said both Master Faezorwyn and her wife Master Orina quite often warned Milo that he should be a little more careful with his sloppy use of magic in some instances, but he rarely payed it any mind.   Master Faezorwyn has had many interactions with the party, being one of the first to welcome the Menagerie into the academy following their first arrival to Andron in the campaign. She is quite well known for regularly trying to embarass and most importantly for berrating Milo for his sudden disappearance from the college only a short time ago. Alongside that, she was also the one that reintroduced Milo to the concept of The Journeymen and enrolled him in the program giving him a Journeymen's scroll. Other than that though, we have just simply had short conversations with her in passing or when needed with the only other thing we have learned about her of note being that she clearly has some level of experience with the city of Llurth Drier as she explained to Milo before they left for the city about a number of it's nuances and the general vibe there.

Character Information

Physical Description
Female wood elf of an unknown age
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Known Relations
Master Orina Aspen (Spouse)
Milomo Plumecrest (Student)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Evocation Wizard
Known Weaknesses
Well-being of Master Orina Aspen


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