Master Orina Aspen Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Master Orina Aspen

What Do We Know?

Master Orina Aspen, often referred to simply as Master Orina is a female high elf of an unknown age. She is generally kind of a debby downer and pretty harsh at times but is actually quite nice once you get to know her. Master Orina is the Master or Professor of abjuration magic at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in the northern city of Andron. She is also well known for being married to her wife Master Faezorwyn Aspen, the evocation teacher at the same academy.   Master Orina, very much like Master Faezorwyn is also a teacher Milo would have frequently spoke with after class. Together, the both of them often warned Milo about his sloppy ways of casting spells, but he often ignored their complaints, seeing as nothing bad had happened to him up to this point.   Master Orina, has had less interactions with the party than her wife and considerably so, with most conversations being ones of courtest during passing. For that reason, not much else is known about her and what she has been up to in more recent times.

Character Information

Physical Description
Female high elf of an unknown age
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Known Relations
Master Faezorwyn Aspen (Spouse)
Milomo Plumecrest (Student)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Abjuration Wizard
Known Weaknesses
Well-being of Master Faezorwyn


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