Master Gilbert Goldfinger Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Master Gilbert Goldfinger

What Do We Know?

Master Gilbert Goldfinger, often abbreivated to Master or Professor Goldfinger is a human male of unknown age, well known for tormenting his students and punishing them when necessary with very difficult transmutation work. He is the transmutation professor at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in the city of Andron and is known to hold expectations far too high of his students. He is also well-known for not being very responsive to any student concerns. For these reasons Milo and Master Goldfinger never got along all that well and he seemingly took the classes he needed to with Goldfinger before moving on with his life.   The Menagerie of Chaos have had some interactions with him up to this point having brought him a troublemaking student part of the vampire cult we put an end to beneath the dorms of the Academy of Adept Sorcerers, as well as a few other magical needs along the way. We also learned not long ago through an interaction he had directly with Milo that he appears to keep his students that do not behave or that he disapproves of almost as pets. He changes them into various small animals leaving them caged in his office in case he ever needs them. As fucked up as this is, we did request the use of one that went by the name of Orilla (a rat) who knew how to speak the language of Undercomon. Luckily, we never needed to use her skills however.

Character Information

Physical Description
Human male of unknown age (but with major mean little gnome energy)
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Known Relations
Milomo Plumecrest (Student)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Transmutation Wizard
Known Weaknesses


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