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East Upper Vales

The east side of the White Anduin is a grim wold of scrub trees and rocky soil. It makes for poor farmland. In days of old, this was the eastern frontier of Éothéod, and it was called the Eastmark. Back then, it was thickly forested, but the horse-people were hungry for timber to build their long-houses, and their axes bit deep into Mirkwood as their ancestors had done in the East Bight.   To the north, the forest falls away and the Vales of Anduin open into the Narrows in the shadows of the Grey Mountains. No one lives here, not even along the eaves of the Forest as everyone fears its darkness. Northern Mirkwood (see page 78) is a tangled forest full of perils and monsters, and they are wise to fear the shadows of the trees. The only travellers who brave this land are taciturn Dwarves and traders hurrying west from Esgaroth and Dale.   The riverbanks and the southern vales, by contrast, are more fertile and welcoming. These green valleys are home to hardy Northmen of the House of Viglund. The land here is twisted and buckled like a thrashing snake, with many steep-sided valleys divided by narrow stony ridges. In places, tall piles or pinnacles of stones rise from the ground; the Viglundings claim these stones to be the ancient work of Giants who once dwelt in this land.  


  The north and east parts of the East Upper Vales are plagued by beasts like wild wolves and Wargs. Dangerous boars and bears sometimes stray out of Mirkwood, and the Viglunding hunters cannot always stop them from trespassing into the farmland. The forest eaves are home to flocks of black crows and other birds, especially around the Forest Gate. The eastern banks of the Great River are also home to many venomous snakes, who make their lairs beneath rocks and prey on insects and small animals.
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