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West Middle Vales

The West Middle Vales were Bilbo Baggins’ first taste of Wilderland east of the mountains. The area has long been empty. Men dwelt here, long ago, but plague and war and goblin-mischief drove them away. Now, they are returning. The region extends from the Rushdown River to the Old Forest Road. Pine forests grow in the mountain valleys, broken by great expanses of bracken and stony ground.   Three large valleys dominate the western section. The north valley is bordered by the Rushdown River and the Rushdown Woods. South of the river, the trees thin out into a broken land of brambles and bare stones riven by many caves. The middle valley is called Earnesdene, the Eagles’ Vale, for their great Eyrie dominates it. The Eyrie is a soaring pinnacle of rock, the easternmost spire of the Misty Mountains, with numerous ledges and perches along its height. Only a flying creature could hope to reach these high ledges. The valley below is home to many furtive, frightened things who dread the swoop of Eagle’s wings. This valley is mostly pine forest, with oaks and elms growing closer to the Great River banks.   The southernmost valley opens into the High Pass (Cirith Forn en Andrath in Sindarin) and is the only place where one might reasonably expect to meet another traveller, as the road to the mountain-path runs through this land. This valley has been the access to the west since before the Sun and Moon rose in the sky. Elves climbed these hills on the way to the Blessed Realm, the Númenoreans built the road straight and true in days of yore, and Elendil and Gilgalad marched down this road on the way to Mordor. This is The Road — the Road to Mirkwood, the Road to the Sea, the Road to Adventure.   As the hills and valleys give way to flatter ground, the traveller enters a great green plain that stretches for miles down to the river.  


  In the pine forests of the mountains live rabbits, squirrels and mountain foxes. Serpents are a danger in the north valley, near the Rushdown. Closer to the river live otters, beavers and other river-creatures. This territory was Warg-land once, but between the Eagles and the vigilance of the Beornings, the wild wolves only dare cross into this land during the winter or on cloudy nights when the Eagles cannot spot them from afar.
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