Session 065 - The Military Endeavors

General Summary

  16th to 23rd Larane (5) (Summer) 721TR

The story so far

A civil war has broken out in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Athena, a Crimson Dancer knight, has spent spring and summer fighting on the side of the rebels, led by the Earl of Tormau.

The Earl has an important mission for her.

Downtime Activities over the Last Five Months


Athena has gathered information on enemy troop movements, identified half a dozen suitable recruits for her cause, and prepared more alchemical smoke powders.


Yureb completed his training in the use of the Whip.

He attempted to rob a wealthy Senator, but the heist went badly wrong, and he narrowly escaped capture.

He also spent some time offering service with the Church of Peoni. The Church and the Goddess regard his efforts favorably.


Quazzy spends some time helping the Church of Peoni, using her healing skills to help the poor and the sick.

She also communes with her Warlock patron, the Demigod Desridaen, seeking to learn the mysteries of the past, particularly around the Battle of Sorrows.

Location - Castle of Tormau, Northwest Rethem.

Part 1 -Meeting with the Earl

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus
Athena and friends are summoned to meet with the Earl of Tormau. He has a critical mission for them. He takes them for a short horse ride to the east side of his island; on the other side of the Bay is a Castle. That is Castle Winen, the seat of one of the King Chafin Royal Sheriffs and his next war objective.

This Castle was built by a previous King to impose his will on the region. It is now under siege by the Earl but is well garrisoned by the Sheriff's men, Mercenaries, and a contingent of Knights from the Companions of Roving Doom. The Earl's plans to bribe the Sheriff have failed, with the swift arrival of reinforcements strengthening his resolve. However, the Earl's agents in the Castle were able to spoil the castle's supplies. The Castle has held out for months and is getting supplied from somewhere. The Earl believes a frontal assault would likely be successful but very costly in men, a price he is unwilling to pay at this early stage of the campaign.

During her months of gathering information on troop movements, Athena learned that Sir Aucan Borganau, one of the King's Barons, is responsible for supplying Winen from Arketh, the base of operations of the Companions of Roving Doom. Athena is tasked with stopping the supplies and dealing with Sir Aucen.

After Winen has is captured, the Earl will be free to move his army into the Earldom of Ithiko next campaign session. Athena's local knowledge of the Ithiko will be invaluable. Athena enthusiastically agrees to help. There are people in the Earldom that require killing.

Location - Barony of Zara, Northwest Rethem.

Part 2 - Spies

The Party takes on the guise of traveling merchants, with Quazzy as the Merchant and Athena, Yureb, and Lucinda as guards. The Earl supplies a mule and a wagon with goods.

As they enter the Barony of Zaza, they are met by an armed force of a knight and half a dozen guards. Yureb's forged travel documents and Quazzy's attempts at persuasion are unconvincing. As the Party is escorted to the Keep for interrogation Quazzy uses a magical deception, Suggesting that the documentation is all in order, and the Party can pass through the checkpoint. The weak-willed Knight falls for the spell.

The Party arrives at the Arketh Keep, controlled by the Companions of Roving Doom. Yureb's new and better version of the forged travel papers fools the guards at the checkpoint, and they are allowed to pass without incident.

Location - Arketh Keep, Northwest Rethem.

Part 3 - Castle Arketh

Arketh is a small port dominated by an impressive Keep. The Companions of Roving Doom rule this settlement with an iron fist, and their War Boats are in the harbor. Yureb contacts the Thieves Guild and learns that supplies are short, with most sent off for the war effort. Men working for a Knight have recently purchased a large quantity. They later learn from the market that a supply wagon with guards and a Knight was seen leaving the settlement by the eastern road a few days ago.

Part 4 - The Embassy of Living Flames

Sir Ingaard.jpg
Sir Ingaard, art by Artbreeder
That night while resting at an Inn Athena, is approached by a foreign Priest of Agrik, Sir Ingaard of the Embassy of Living Flame. This Order, based in the far Azeryani Empire, is the eyes and ears of the Agrikian Pontiff. This astute man identifies Athena as a Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer Warrior and he is curious why one would be in enemy territory. He is tasked with observing the Civil War as a "neutral" observer. He recognizes Athena's nickname, The Banshee.

He explains he is seeking out heresy among the various Clerical Orders and comments that some of the Orders may be too extreme. He is particularly interested in the activities of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

He has heard rumors of a military disaster affecting the Fighting Order of the Warriors of Mameka. Athena tells him that she has also heard rumors of a coverup. It is whispered that significant numbers of Knights were massacred during an expedition to the North in a Barbarian ambush. This may explain why the Warriors of Mameka have not been active in the war to date.

Sir Ingaard pays for the party's meals and drinks and returns to his room in Arketh Keep.

Part 5 - More Spying

Yureb asks around but is unable to locate the Sir Aucen lodging. He decides to sneak into the Keep to have a look around. He knocks out a servant, leaving him sleeping in an alleyway, and use magic to take on his appearance. He has to deceive a few guards to get into the Keep and locates the Knights room. It contains some paperwork, a list of supplies, a map indicating a series of trails leading to the River Denia, and some weight calculations. He is unsure what to make of the calculations. He sneaks out of the Keep without incident and finds the servant, and intimidates him into silence.

Location -Wilderness, Northwest Rethem.

Part 6 - Little Quick, Nasty Fairies

The party travels east, searching for the supply wagons or a trail. On the second day, they find wagon tracks. They are catching up with the slow-moving supply wagon. But something else is watching, small fairy malicious Fairies. They attack with lighting speed with their little razor-sharp knives. The party is severely injured, covered with dozens of small but deep cuts before the tiny monsters are dispatched.

Part 7 - Change of Plans

Yureb uses his Green Eye of Turembor to locate the Supply wagon. The Eye allows him to view the wagon effectively as if it was close range and notes supplies are stored in barrels containing weights and sealed with wax. He deduces that the supplies are placed into the River Denia, floating downstream just below the water level. This is how Winen Keep is supplied.

The Party changes its plans. Instead of attacking the Supply Wagon, they allow it to travel to its destination. The wagon arrives at a bend in the river upstream from civilization. There is a well-concealed enemy base. The next night the Barrels are placed into the river and make their way downstream. Observing this, using her familiar, Quazzy magically grows webbed figures and gills and intercepts some of the barrels. She prepares a concoction of deliberating food poisons and contaminates the supplies, then sends the tainted barrels on their way.

The Earl is impressed with the heroes' plan. A few days later, he receives word from this agent in Winen Castle that the garrison is suffering a bout of food poison. He plans to attack the keep immediately and while simultaneously the Party to deal with the enemies' secret base upstream.

To be continued....

NPC Interactions

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus.

Sir Ingaard of the Embassy of Living Flame.

Various border guards.

A couple of Thieves.

A servant from Arketh Keep.

Challenges Overcome

Sneaked into the Domain of Arketh.

Located the source of Supplies to Castle Winen.

Killed 8 Quicklings and 1 Quick Foot.

Intercepted and poisoned the Supplies.


Yureb gains 2 Divine favors from the Church of Peoni.

Quazzy gains 3 Divine favors from the Church of Peoni.

Quazzy gains 3 items of Ancient Lore from her Warlock Patron Desridian.

Created Content

Embassy of Living Flame.

Sir Ingaard of the Embassy of Living Flame.

Related Reports

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus - The Earl of Tormau.

Companions of Roving Doom.

Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

Order of the Warriors of Mameka.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 13 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 13 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 8 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
19 Jan 2020
Secondary Location

NPC Companion

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Embassy of Living Flame

by Attacus

Companions of Roving Doom

by Columbia Games

Green Eye of Turembor

Appearance: A spherical, transparent greenstone

Attunement: Not Required.

Properties: When held to the eye, it gives its user a green-tinted magnified view of any object in their line of sight. There is almost no limit to the range.


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