4/22 - Return from the Depths Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

4/22 - Return from the Depths

General Summary

The party makes the long, long trek back to the surface from The Underdark city of Asfasana after their protracted battle with House Theyralana and the Cult of Ghaunadaur led by High Priestess Isemi.
  The path is long and treacherous, but after several weeks of travel through the twisting corridors, the party emerges into the light of day and begins trying to make their way home.
  Along the way, the party meets with Has and their compatriots Uril & Ben at the dig site located within the former home of Undrieg , wherein the corpse of Moander was being harvested by the devils subservient to Geryon. Has informs the party of their progress and the roadblocks encountered along the way.
  After leaving the dig site, the party returns to the Party Guildhall in Groundbreak to recover from their adventures. While at the guildhall, the party reads through several applications for employment at the organization in response to their previous job listings for chefs and hunters. Three applicants stand out among the bunch, and after brief debate Elara Swiftspice, Seraphina Moonshadow, and Thrain Wildtracker are extended offers to join the guild.
  While at the Party Guildhall, the group contacts the leader of Boulderdust, High Priestess Secta, to establish a Skagi-Portal Network connection between the guildhall and the Dwarven city. Though interested, High Priestess Secta requested that the party travel to Boulderdust to cement the deal.

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Report Date
22 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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