5/15 - Entry to Ebonait Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

5/15 - Entry to Ebonait

General Summary

Party continues their long trek through the jungles.
Several days pass as they travel.
As the party nears Ebonait, they often catch sight of the sea to the North.
  The party is ambushed by a massive, feline beast with a barbed tail.
Due to their skills and magical equipment, the party is caught off guard but not by surprise.
The party engaged in combat with the beast as it dashed in and out of the tree line delivering crushing blows.
After some time, the party succeeded against the beast.
The tailspike of the beast is harvested by Duo for research and crafting.
  The party finally makes it to Ebonait.
The region they enter is known as Market Corner, an area on the Western outskirts of Ebonait.
They ask around with the locals and are given directions to Castle Ebonait in the center of the city.
  The party heads to Castle Ebonait to meet with the Ebonait High Council.
At the gate they are challenged by a guard and his squire, Esra Eyasu.
After stating their intentions and presenting their credentials, the party is asked to wait while Esra is sent to inform the High Council.
The party learns that Esra is an indenture, a near-universal process within Ebonait for teens and young adults to gain experience and provide for their families.
Esra returns along with Adowu, another indenture and assistant scribe for the High Council.
Esra and Adowu guide the party up into Castle Ebonait through back halls until they arrive at the chambers of the High Council.
Adowu announces the party and they are presented to the council.
  A meeting with the High Council.
Party presents the dagger and confirms the information about establishing the portal.
Several council members are skeptical of the claims.
Obi Negasi, council member and representative of the Merchants Guild, defends the party and the plan to establish the portal.
After the party leaves the chamber, Obi and the High Council are overheard having heated words.
Obi exits the council chamber, flush from debate, and offers to guide the party to the intended portal location.
  Establishing the portal.
Obi and Adowa guide the party out of Castle Ebonait, across The Green, over the river, and into the Bonedocks.
The party ask Obi some Ebonait-centric questions as they travel. They learn that Ebonait has a royal line but the role of king is mostly ceremonial as the kingdom is governed entirely by the Ebonait High Council, a mixed council of representatives from the kingdom's districts and large organizations. Ebonaiti culture is heavily influenced by the indenture process, wherein people sign up for fixed-length contracts of compelled service to one of the kingdom's many guilds. Indenture contracts are most often willingly entered, though it is not entirely uncommon for nonviolent criminals to be allowed to indenture as a way to serve their sentence.
The group arrives at the location for the portal, a squat, fortified stone building deep within the cramped streets of the Bonedocks. Obi informs the party that as part of his negotiations with the High Council to establish the trade route to Qadis, he offered to establish the portal in the Bonedocks as a way to allay the council's fears of a military incursion from the foreign nation.
The party establish the portal within the building, requesting that Obi offer an official confirmation of the contract's completion. Adowa drafted an official document, Obi and the party both signed it, and as a witness one of the indenture guards from the Cobalt Syndicate signed as well.

Rewards Granted

  • PCs reach level 10 (64,000 EXP)
  • 2,000 GP / PC as reward for establishing the portal
  • Jungle beast tailspike

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Permanent* portal established between the kingdoms of Qadis and Ebonait.

Character(s) interacted with

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
15 May 2023
Primary Location