Gorgorath Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Gorgorath is a name that fills most in the Westfork and The Wilds with fear. When it was first settled has been lost to history, but who first established it as a home of necromancy is edged in the tales of old. It was founded by a necromancer named Y'berion, who, according to some, was the most powerful necromancer to ever have lived. Although this fact is contested, what is certain is that many necromancer have flocked to his banner and received his guidance to unleash havoc upon Mundus.  

Gorgorath and Thedas

The first time Gorgorath enters recorded history is when it spawned the cruel necromancer Angmar. This necromancer received his training in the dark arts at Gorgorath and travelled east afterwards. Here he erected his own base of power and tried to subdue the people of Geldrin. This ultimately failed however, as the people of Geldrin allied with the dwarves of the Kingdom of Mazaar. After destroying Angmar the people of Geldrin united the other human lords that lived in those lands and founded the Kingdom of Thedas. Their first target was the place that had spawned the horror they just bested: Gorgorath.       The combined forces of Thedas succeeded in driving the necromancers from Gorgorath. They trapped Y'berion in an otherworldly prison, as his power was so great it did not allow him to be killed. Centuries passed and Thedas believed itself safe. Foul things kept being drawn to Gorgorath however and in 1168 a mage from the Adamantine Tower, named Galvis Regmur, travelled to Y'berions prison. He succeeded in creating a connection with Y'berion's spirit and received training. Molag Bal's realm of Coldharbour passed near Mundus at this time and it allow Galvis to take on the form of a terrible lich, known as the Girger. In this form he waged a terrible war on the people of Thedas. With great desperation the Kingdom was nearly annihilated, but with help of the dwarves of Mazaar they succeeded in killing the Girger, but not before he cast a terrible curse on that land, making it inhabitable.   

Gorgorath and the Watchlands

For centuries Gorgorath could grow in relative peace, but it lacked the great magicians like Angmar or Galvis. Its influence kept spreading however and soon clashed with a new upcoming power: The Night's Watch. Throughout its existence the undead of the North had been a thorn in the eye of the Lord Commanders. So too for Marcus Vardenfell. When word reached him of a new passing of Coldharbour however, he recognised the danger that posed. He launched a preemptive strike, even though his forces were quite depleted. With great effort they succeeded and tore every structure there down. Even though they too could not end Y'berion's presence, the Night's Watch had been cooperating with druids of the Wilds to slowly restore the forests and the surrounding lands back to the forces of nature.


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