Session 49 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 49

Wi Po looks into the casket and sees an eye staring back at them from the goliath casket. This creature starts to come out of it and we see it's fur drenched in blood, some markings on it's arm, as it continues to crawl out of the casket. It isn't a Goliath though, we see what look to be a bear... a werebear. An undead goliath werebear. It stands there breathing, turns it head and steps out of the casket and reaches back inside it and grabs a big hammer with an axe on one side.   Ra goes to swing at the werebear but accidentally hits himself in the knee in the process. Snow watching this comes up to it, putting his hands on the werebear and bestows a curse upon it. Thydrom, still carrying the backpack with Pippy in it, he casts a necrotic spell upon the werebear but it dodges it. Raui commands her elemental to burrow near the werebear. Vaan stays put, taking in the scene and draws out her longbow to shoot but misses with both of her shots. She's too concerned about Tedd to focus. Raui backs up ten feet taking in the scene. The werebear takes a swing at Ra but he dodges out of the way, and then swings at Snow slashing him across the chest. Wi Po steps up behind Snow and heals him. Pippy pops her head out of the bag and casts a spell to aggitate the blood of the werebear but it has little to no effect on the creature. She pops back into the bag upon the failure. Zandro notches his radiant bow and shoots at the werebear, and he winces from the shot. Xerrik smacks the werebear with his switch axe hitting it. Gum Gum goes to smack the werebear but it manages to dodge all of its attacks.   While that happens, we hear a sudden noise coming from the stairs. We look over and see that where the door was to come in, it has now shut. Ra goes to attack but the werebear dodges all of them. Snow tries to bestow another curse on the creature. Thydrom takes out a flask of holy water and chucks it at the wwerebear like a grenade but he misses and it breaks before it reaches the beast. He then casts his spiritual weapon and has that attack the werebear and it hits. Raui's elemental is just hanging out defending itself. Vaan notches her bow again and hits the beast, fealing encouraged she notches her bow again and hits the beast again with her arrows dipped in holy water. The beast staggers from this attack, clearly pissed at the attack. Raui is not mentally here right now, she's zoned out staring at her hands not doing anything. As she's looking at her hands, she hears a voice in her head "Do you need some help? Do you want to let go, and move forward?". Raui doesn't respond and still stares at her hands for some odd reason. As she does the werebear makes a swipe with it's axe at Xerrik but Xerrik swings back and hits it instead. The werebear angrily and blindly swings at Ra which Ra didn't see coming so it hits him for massive damage. Wi Po rushes to Ra's aid and heals him. Pippy pops her head out of the backpack and her eyes roll back and go black as she summons 8 undead giant owls. Thydrom gets a little nervous being surrounded by so much undead. Zandro notches his radiant bow again and hits the werebear for another round of damage. The werebear is just angered by all of this. Xerrik takes a deep breath and releases a breath of fire from himself. Gum Gum unleashes an attack upon the werebear hitting him a few times.   Ra takes a swing at the werebear with his quarterstaff but misses the first time but swings back and hits again. Out of sheer anger Ra unleashes a flurry of blows upon it. Snow starts throwing out insults at the werebear but it has no effect on the creature. Thydrom looks over and sees an odd energy going around Ra. Pippy immedietly recognizes it as necrotic energy. It washes over him completely and he is now in rough shape from it. Thydrom goes and attacks with his spiritual weapon but it misses so instead he heals Ra for a little bit of health. Raui feels and hears the attack that took on Ra and it snaps her back into the moment, so she commands her elemental to race over to the werebear to attack and it smacks it once but misses the second time. Vaan dips more arrows into her holy water and notches two arrows and releases them and they both hit the werebear. Raui, is sort of back into the moment and she hears in her head again "Raui, I can make everything better or I can give you power." Raui is intrigued by this and she ponders on the voice, she's looking at her hands and then looks at this werebear and casts some magic at it. She summons a storm above the werebear catching it off guard and hitting it with lightening. Now there is a storm above the creature. The werebear is very angry he throws his weapon to the side, he grabs the casket he was in with both hands and swings it. This catches Xerrik and Ra off guard and hits them with it. Ra is down. Wi Po and Snow catch some of the attack and also get dealt some damage. Snow is on a knee, still alive but hurting. Wi Po throws himself on top of Ra, positioning himself inbetween him and the bear. He tries to heal Ra but it is counterspelled from someone... Wi Po then roars in anger at the bear. Pippy this whole time has been surveying the room looking for where the spell was casted from. Looking around in the corner of her eye she spots near the door that same energy, but there are two spots of it, like two hands but she sees no one there and the energy disapears. She then orders her flock of owls to swoop in and attack and they all unleash their talons onto the werebear. This damages it massively and angers the werebear and it's eyes turn red. Pippy goes back to watching for the energy. Zandro then startss speaking out loud to Bimp Knoton "Heeeey Bimp. I just want you to know I'm not with these folks I just ran into them. I know about your lineage, that you're part goliath, and that these are your ancestors. I'm hoping we can just talk." He gets no response. He goes to attack the werebear with his bow instead. Xerrik swings at the werebear hitting it. Gum Gum steps up, full of fury and unleashes onto the werebear hitting him twice. He then ducks behind one of the sarcophaguses.   Ra is on the ground, fighting for his life unconsious. Snow tries to catch the werebear's attention again to mock it but it still has no effect on the creature. Before Thydrom can react we hear a voice that says "you don't get it, do you? You say you want to talk, but I know deep down the moment I show my face you'll blast me in the face again. And you expect me to put down my defenses and listen to you?!?" The ground starts to shake and we look over and see all the sarcophaguses lids come off. Out come 7 more werebears. Wi Po feels something woosh by him and he sees that Ra was just teleported somewhere. Wi Po's mane starts to glow and the flowers in it bloom a little more and thorns show up and retract. He feels something stirring inside of him, a weird feeling he isn't quite sure what it is. Looking around we notice Ra's body is now right next to the door still unconcious. Thydrom takes a few steps and misty steps to Ra and casts a spell to spare the dying but it is counterspelled. Thydrom calls out to her "if you do this again I will turn your body into an undead creature and have you fuck these other undead over and over again." Thydrom is pissed. Vaan tosses out a spiked rope hitting two of the goliaths. Raui speaks to the voice in her head and says that she wants power. The voice says 'Listen to me now Raui, I can give power. Do you want me to prove how powerful I am first?" Raui simply says "you have the stage". The voice says "Raui, that storm you casted, use your metallic arm and extend it forward." She does this and she takes some some psychic damage and sees that the storm she had above starts to rain. The rain is a much darker color, a dark green, and the rain coming down is acidic. The voice says "So I have the stage huh?" Raui says yes and a lightening bolt comes down and hits the werebear and melts most of its skin off. Raui says "Sorry Wi Po, I no longer have a choice." and casts a lightening bolt directly at it. Bolts of electricity arc off of Raui hitting a nearby smaller werebear. The big werebear is writhing in pain barely clutching to life. The werebear grabs around and finds Snow and slashes at him with his claws. He holds Snow up in the air and opens his mouth as Snow's blood falls into his mouth to drink it. As he drinks the blood it appears he is regenerating. Wi Po is conflicted on what he should do, attack or protect Ra, and he hears a voice from within him "be true to you" and Wi Po decides to summon a griffon and positions to protect Snow and then Wi Po also tranforms into a griffon and places himself to protect Ra. As he tries to jump off the werebear tries to grab him but vines come up from the cracks and grab the werebear holding him back. As he gets to Ra he feels a warmth inside him and this pollen starts to fall from his mane. It glows with a radiance, and Ra is fully healed and a tree ent comes up behind Wi Po and starts to follow him around. The giant werebear behind Wi Po is being pulled into the ground as the acid washes over him and it perishes. Pippy casts a spell to give herself more life, blinds Bimp, and then sends her owls to attack Bimp for massive damage. As she's getting attacked her cloak falls away revealing her as she was wearing a magical cloak. Bimp Knoton is on her knee after this attack and can't see, breathing heavily. She asks "why? I spent years of my life trying to get back at them." Pippy says "You are giving necromancy a bad name and in general I don't care for you." Zandro says "I care and came here to talk to you and these assholes just don't care." Bimp responds that he didn't care at all for her and that she worked so hard for so long. Pippy calls back out and reiterates that she is giving necromancy a bad name, that she may have had her people suffer but that is in the past and to let the past lie where it is. Doing this is not the way. Thydrom adds "the ends don't justify the means." Bimp then asks Zandro what he honestly thought of her and he says that he is thinking about a lot of things right now in this moment and that he may need to step off solo. Bimp then opens up that she never wanted to go this route but that she was pushed into it, she then applogies and that she thought this would be new life but it's not. She then calls out to Pippy "Pippy, do better than me" Pippy responds "I plan to, no offense. But good can come from this magic but not like this." Zandro then asks what Bimp was working on in her room. He explains that he was in her room in the college and noticed that she was working on something alchemical. She explains that she stole those from Bethrynna. Bimp then asks us to kill Bethrynna as she is not what she seems. Raui gets a bit angry at the mention of harming Bethrynna. Bimp calls out to Zandro once more "hey Zandro..." and goes silent. As Bimp Knoton passes away every single werebear falls to the ground. The tree comes over to Bimp Knoton and picks them up and puts them by the side of the door. It puts it's hand on the wall and vines and flowers come and cover her. THe tree then goes back over to Wi Po, shrinking down back into a seedling. Pippy gets a feeling within her, that cold and hot feeling in her throat comes back and she feels like she should say something but she doesn't know. Raui hears a voice in her head "so Raui, I can give you this power and then some, lets talk later." Pippy opens her mouth as Baoth speaks through her "We need to go get Q, she's in the throne room." Raui, Thydrom (with Pippy in tow), and Vaan (on Nyla) book it to the throne room. Snow is bleeding out on the ground. Pippy continues to talk with Boath's voice but in Pippy's voice as they run "I am going to take the next artifact and none of you are getting in my way." Vaan says "Bitch I don't give a fuck". And they continue to make their way to the throne room. We see Q knocked unconcious. Raui races to Q.   Meanwhile Wi Po moves towards Snow to heal him. Ra is picking up the werebears and putting them all back into their resting spots. Ra goes to the disintegrated one and places the axe into it's casket. Wi Po screetches in Griffin form as a way of funeral rights and then offers Snow and Ra a ride on his back. Snow declines and says that they are going to go wait out front. Ra is already on top of Wi Po and they heads towards the throne room. As he leaves he is spreading healing spores to Xerrik and Gum Gum healing them. Zandro stays behind sitting and contemplating things, deep in thought, resting near Bimp Knoton's new grave. Zandro hears the group leaving and waits until he is alone to give his final thoughts to Bimp Knoton and to be away from the party. He is afraid he may hurt one of the party if he doesn't calm down first. "Bimp, I will do as you asked, I will do your final wishes. I feel like that is customary for other races. Us elves tend to know where were going as we leave this plane and go onto the next but you don't always get that when you leave unepectedly. I'll do as you asked, it's the least I could do."   Vaan is distraught cause Tedd is not there and is wanting to linger behind and look for him. Q is knocked out in the throne room and Thydrom brings her back to conciousness. Raui and Thydrom (with Pippy in tow) move to get Q back to Bethrynna at Castle Rainfall. Ra follows Thydrom and Raui too. We leave the castle kingdom and as we step outside we see Yatish talking to Snow one on one. She says "You going to do me a favor and not go after the next artifact, can you just do that?". Wi Po says that he wants to look for Cri Ro and Yatish says that we clearly have other things to do. Pippy speaks up that she has only one thing to do and that is to take the next artifact. Zandro suggests going together to get the artifact, our two groups teaming up. Yatish asks us which artifact we are going after and she realizes we are going after a different artifacts. Thydrom then says that we are going after the same one as Astral and Yatish gets livid at the mere mention of his name. She says she isn't with Astral but is with someone called Yalda (she). Thydrom sugegsts coordinating our tactics so we can take them down. Yatish is torn, but agrees to have a meeting to discuss more. She snaps her fingers and a portal opens up and then she notices we're missing Vaan and Pippy mentions that Vaan was looking for Tedd inside and Yatish gets inches from Pippy's face and asks again where Vaan is. Pippy explains what little she knows and then Yatish snaps her fingers closing the portal. She gives Thydrom a stone and says to contact her and she storms off. The group continues back to Castle Rainfall to return Q.

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