Cepayahuitl Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Cepayahuitl (Seh-pah-yah-hooee-till) is a country in Tlalli.  
"This country is fraught with danger from an ongoing conflict between Dragons and Giants since time immemorial. The frozen, mountainous land is home to very few peoples save these two tribes of titans. However, in the cleft of two mountains, stands the City of Wyrmheim, where those who do not wish to dabble in the war rest and live among people of the races. Currently run by a man known by many epitaphs, such as Chief, Boss, Sir, Dragonheart, Giantsoul, Dragonslayer, and Giantkiller, the name he gives if asked is Tim, the High Chief of Wyrmheim, whose job it is to defend the city against both sides of the conflict so that they may live their way within these mountains. Currently, all three powers are looking for a way to give themselves an edge, to stand dominant within the country so that they may cease this reckless fighting. To this degree, an accords was signed to better define the rules of engagement. May it stand strong in both combat and in the diplomatic discussions between the peoples, the Giants, and the Dragons."  
— Necalli, Grand Major High Bard
National Territory
Location under