Ixtlahuacca Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Ixtlahuacca (Ikst-la-huah-kah) is a country in Tlalli.  
"This country is the second largest economic powerhouse within Tlalli, despite being completely made up of desert. The port city, Xochicuali, zho-zhi-cuah-li, has many rare and interesting items for sale in its Grand Bazaar, from cacao to silks to dyes to most anything you could want, at the right price. Ixtlahuacca is headed by a ruler known as the Tlatohqui, tlah-to-kwee, who oversees it and its people from his home within Xochicuali. Additionally, the desert is a rough place, especially for magic users, as the land itself seems to suck out the magic as the heat sucks the moisture from your bodies. Dotted around the country are various oases and temples to old gods, some undisturbed for centuries as they live beneath the swirling sands."  
— Necalli, Grand Major High Bard
National Territory
Location under