Cuemitl Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Cuemitl (kwe-me-tl) is a country in Tlalli. Its capital is Kanixtli (Kahn-ee-xtli) which is also considered the capital of all of Tlalli.  
"Cuemitl is the country Gylidders and other foreigners have the most interaction with. Cuemitl is run as a country by a cabal of ten merchant princes, one democratically elected Speaker, and a Judicial body known as the Teotlanahualli. Teh-oh-tlah-nah-hu-ah-li. Yes, just like that. The Merchant Princes are the economic powerhouses of Cuemitl, each having an almost complete monopoly on certain goods, such as fruit, metal, textiles, or what have you. The current Speaker, one Solomon Aguirre, has been proven previously to have the people's best interests at heart and has made some beneficial reforms. Cuemitl is some of the only arable land available in Tlalli and is where the vast majority of all harvested plants are grown. Other notable sites include the bandit wastes, a stretch of land between the two largest cities where the bandit clans live."  
— Necalli, Grand Major High Bard
National Territory
Location under