Tlalli Geographic Location in Myzelis | World Anvil


Tlalli (TLAA-lee) is a vast region and Realm that is cradled by an arc of mountains along the equator to the north and borders the Realm of Ulloren to the south past, beyond the channel of Brume that separates the two Realms. Tlalli is home to seven countries.  
"Welcome, brave adventurers, to the land of Tlalli. I am the grand major high bard known to many of this land as Necalli, sent on a quest to introduce aspiring heroes such as yourselves to a worthy patron. Tlalli is a land of great adventure, danger, and, most importantly, treasure. Be it in the country of Cuauhtlah where nomadic tabaxi prowl the forest, protecting it from enemies both monstrous and not, to the city of Wyrmheim, locked in an eternal struggle for power and dominance between giants and dragons, to the deserts of Otlalhuacca, where water is scarce and magic is scarcer still, the land is your to explore and discover its mysteries, or stay in Cuemitl and experience some of the best food and drink the land has to give. Before you go, however, you must take great caution in whatever adventure you set your mind to, for while every land has danger around every corner to better test your mettle, you can also find yourself at the cusp of many a conflict and many an opportunity."  
— Necalli


Kanixtli, Cuemitl    

Official Language



Yolitlalli natively, which applies to any living thing from Tlalli, including monsters, animals, and plants.