Chiauhtlalli Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Chiauhtlalli (Chee-aow-tla-lee) is a country in Tlalli.  
"Chiauhtlalli isn't so much a country as it is a very swampy, loose congregation of lizardfolk so persistent that it gained status as its own territory. Here in the swamps, survival is the primary goal, and for that reason, they don't get many tourists. It doesn't boast any discovered major city to date and most people that walk on into it don't come out, at least, not with all their limbs. Between the alligators, the unfriendly lizardfolk - as opposed to the friendly ones, who are quite lovely - weird, strange creatures, and the elemental presence, most people wouldn't go there if you paid them. That is, unless, you listen to the rumors about the old temples somewhere in there with trapped powerful creatures, who'd be mighty grateful if you were to assist them in freeing their prisons, or the grand multitude of magical dungeons old Yuf Rigie put in there, filled with magic items and enough wealth that you'd be able to coast by on life completing one of them."  
— Necalli, Grand Major High Bard
National Territory
Location under