Cuahtla Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Cuahtla (Coo-aht-lah) is a country in Tlalli.  
"To the great chargin of the merchant princes, the dense forest that is Cuahtla has proven time and time again to be too dangerous for most folks to go into, let alone try and populate. Cuahtla is rife with undergrowth, great trees, and lovely fruits and other goods, but the native Tabaxi have buffeted every attempt at colonization into the jungle, as well as returned not a small number of expeditions in body bags, especially cartographers. Many of these folk were chasing after an ancient myth of a "godstone" that can turn a mortal divine, for no other price than finding it within the jungles. From what can be gathered from those who did survive, it's rife with unique flora and fauna, as well as the Tabaxi's beautiful towns in the trees, where they conduct trade with certain delegations. Many of Tlalli's current exports found their origins in this jungle. Recently, more and more Tabaxi have left this country to go and settle elsewhere, leaving behind a nomadic jungle life to move to the cities and other countries. Why this is, none will say."  
— Necalli, Grand Major High Bard
National Territory
Location under