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Cruising through the sky at an even 8000 feet above sea level, the enormous sky city of Luminessa is the heartland of The Empire. Far detached from the issues of everyday life on Nalan - from The Darkening to the unpredictable weather - it represents the apex of technology that has been made possible through the discovery of essence. With it's freedom to fly anywhere within the Empire, it is able to acquire goods from all across Nalan - the smell of roasting coffee beans is prevalent throughout it's wealthier districts, and even the poorest of Luminessa’s citizens are able to enjoy both food and technology from across the continent.   Despite a constant cacophony of noise, from the dull roar of Engines to the chatter of bustling streets, the most enticing feature of the city is that it is so completely detached from everything that makes life on Nalan difficult. Essence powered streetlights lining every main road ensure that the city never loses light and, both for the comfort of its citizens and the safety of its flight, all weather is strictly controlled here, meaning that the city never so much as rains, provided a downpour hasn't been scheduled. Most impressively of all, the feeling of breathlessness often experienced when reaching high altitudes in an airship are not felt on the city. How this is achieved is unclear, but it only serves to add to the cities appeal.   Before it took to the sky, Luminessa was originally built on the edge of the Luminessan Valley, atop the ruins of an ancient yet enormous Dawn Civilization, whose ruins reach far into the ground. The crater which marks its former resting place has now become something of a tourist attraction in the Southern Dominance, and attracts holiday makers from across the Empire.


As with much of the Empire the city is predominately human, however all races can be found represented here. The city is home to the richest of the rich, yet even the poor here are far better off than they would be in any other city.


Much like any other city in the Empire, Luminessa does have a mayor, although the title is fairly redundant as more often than not the Lord President takes a much more hands on role in leading the City. Everyone living in Luminessa is subject to a fairly sizable tax, a payment required to maintain the city.


The fact that the city flies is its best defense, making it completely immune from an infantry assault. Were the city ever to be attacked, it would have to be done through Warships. Little is known about what defenses the city houses, but it can be safely assumed that it is at the cutting edge of weapons technology

Industry & Trade

Luminessa produces very little in terms of raw material, but it makes up for this in cultural and technological exports. All the latest technology, such as Snapflashes and Self Pulling Carriages, have their origins in this city.


Most notable are the improvements made which allow the city to fly. It is supported underneath by enormous balloons filled with Essence gas, and is propelled through the sky by 8 enormous Engines. A series of powered lifts allow easy travel for both goods and people between the cities levels, while the streets are lit with lamps powered again by essence. In the middle tier of the city are the Sky Ports, which allow Airships and other air going vessels to dock. A series of buildings at regular intervals around the cities circumference house groups of Mages capable of controlling the weather immediately around the city, ensuring consistent and non turbulent weather patterns.


While Luminessa stores a substantial amount of both Essence and food, it relies primarily upon being resupplied by cities on ground level. Luminessa's main asset is its enormous wealth and political power - the fact that it is the capital means that any major ground city is obliged to contribute to its upkeep should it pass overhead.

Guilds and Factions

Unlike other major cities such as Cretin's Gate, guilds have a much smaller role here.


Around 600 years ago, when the Empire was still run by Lords and Nobility, the then Lord President decided that his growing Empire needed to have a mobile powerbase, and proposed the idea of creating a mobile city - an enormous collection of tents and prefabricated buildings capable of moving throughout the land. This of course was a terrible idea, and was laughed down by everyone with half a brain.   That being said, 500 years later with the discovery of essence, his idea was finally put into motion, as again due to the need for a more mobile capital, Luminessa was, impressively, fitted with engines and balloons on its underside, and then through a series of explosions disconnected from the ground around it.


Luminessa is highly rich in tourism. Due to its mobile nature, people from all around the Empire are afforded the chance to visit the Sky City, usually by way of airship. Few of these people remain in Luminessa for longer than a few weeks, but almost all will spend a great deal of money throughout their stay.


Moving further up the levels of the city gives way to increasing Highrise structures, while the lower levels of the city are considerably more flat. There is also a complete absence of almost all defensive fortifications. While a wall does surround the city, it is mainly for the safety of its inhabitants.   In the wealthiest districts of the city, a new style of glass building has arisen. These are completely transparent, with no visible support structures. Although no one would want to live in these buildings, they are used often for restaurants and even particularly high brow coffee shops.


Although now Luminessa is permanently in the air, it was initially situated atop a steep hill overlooking the Luminessan Valley.
Founding Date
1 Noon
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital, City of Lights, Sky City
~1 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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