Galactic History

The history of the New Dawn galaxy.

Before Common Era

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Before the Common Era of the Gregorian Calendar.

  • Circa 13 Billion BC
    Creation of the Galaxy
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The mortal realm and it's galaxies were created by the Celestials under order of the Titans.

  • Circa 10 Billion BC
    The Ancient Civilisations

    The Primordials and the Archons were thought to have been at the height of their power across the universe at this time, with the latter founding the Valor Santori. However, both species mysteriously became extinct quite suddenly...

    More reading
    The Archons

Common Era

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The Common Era of the Gregorian Calendar, known for its many wars and advancements in technology and politics.

  • 2012 CE

    The Early Wars
    Era beginning/end

    Supernaturals such as Vampires, Witches, and Lycans had long lived among Humans in secret. However, when the realms of Heaven and Hell opened to wage war on each other, many of these supernaturals revealed themselves and their abilities to help defend humanity and drive back the forces of Hell. It was then that the Heroes of Old were formed to fight in the numerous wars to follow.

  • 2013 CE

    2112 CE

    The Hellish Invasion
    Military action

    The Hellish Invasion was a century-long conflict between the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell that took place mostly on Earth. The war took place over a century, from 2012 to 2112, and signified a turning point in Mankind and Supernatural species' relationship. The Heroes of Old, the Human military, and the Angels of Heaven all worked in unison for the first time in history. Upon their victory the portals of Hell began to close, sealing off the realm and ending the invasion.

  • 2113 CE

    2553 CE

    The First Hellian Crusade
    Military action

    The First Hellian Crusade was a conflict that took place directly after The Hellish Invasion, in which the Devil King Purloin tried to enact revenge for his kingdoms previos defeat. It lasted for several decades and ended in early 2553 with the defeat of Purloin. The war notably took place alongside the Human-Triumvirate War. Humanity had by this time built their own interstellar empire, under the government of the United Earth Government (UEG). Scientific advancements continued, and one of the results of these endeavours was Project: PRAETORIAN - Humanity's first successful attempt at creating augmented super soldiers.

  • 2520 CE

    2558 CE

    The Human-Triumvirate War
    Military action

    Humanity's first encounter with an alien species took the form of a devastating war against the Triumvirate. This faction was a conglomerate of three different species that held technological superiority over the UEG, leading to a mostly one-sided war that almost resulted in Mankind's extinction. Arguably one of the most catastrophic conflicts faced by the UEG, the Battle of Haven marked the ultimate end of the Triumvirate.

  • 2563 CE

    The Convergence Wars
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Convergence was the first of three Great Cosmic Events of the Galaxy in which Nozdormu the Starforger, a crazed Celestial dragon, pulled numerous realms into the milky way galaxy giving them planetary forms; then began pulling every planet into the center of the galaxy to be devoured. He was eventually defeated and stopped by the Heroes of Old, but the galaxy was changed forever. Numerous factions rose up across the stars, waging war for the new territories they found themselves in.

    More reading
    The Convergence
  • 2564 CE

    The Second Hellian Crusade
    Military action

    The Second Hellian Crusade was a series of attacks carried about by a resurgence of Devils from the planet Hades. Led by the Archdevil Aboleth, these devils wanted revenge against Angels and Humans for destroying their original homeworld; Hell. Deciding that unity was the only way forward, the United Earth Government and the Alliance of Kings met on Mytheria to discuss combining their territories and resources in order to combat the Demonic threat. On that day they came to an agreement to form the Galactic Systems Union, sharing leadership equally between all involved planets via elected representatives on a central council. Together they defeated the second crusade and destroyed Hades.

  • 2564 CE

    Persecution of Supernaturals
    Political event

    Numerous supernatural attacks drew the attention of the UDF and NIA, who began to introduce stricter profiling procedures in each and every country on Earth, leading to protest and uproar. Many humans supported these methods while others were more sympathetic and demanded that the supernaturals stop being mistreated. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when the biggest attack happened in Central London, leaving almost a hundred dead. Police investigation into the incident traced evidence back to the planet’s only Knights Academy. Soon, several armed policemen began to swarm the Knights building, under direct orders from the Naval Intelligence Agency.   Gavin Reeve and his allies banded together to save some of the Supernaturals taken and expose the NIA for their crimes. This led to the end of political persecution of Supernaturals.

  • 2565 CE

    2570 CE

    The Helix War
    Military action

    In 2563, Daniel Almis was killed by the Inquisitional Reich faction leader, Mordeci. Daniel’s death triggered the Almisfall protocol at Helix studios, which was a robotics company owned by him. The Almisfall protocol was a fail safe measure put in place upon the event of Dan’s passing. However something went wrong, presumably a malfunction, which caused the robotic hardware to activate and rapidly begin expansion of its territory that it established on a distant planet. The Helix Virus, as it was dubbed, spread into whatever other computer software and hardware that the machines made contact with, which consequently increased their numbers. By 2565 the virus grew sentient and recognised the residents of the galaxy as threats to its existence, and thus a war waged across the stars.   All the factions of the galaxy banded together to defeat this staggering threat, destroying the Helix Hivemind at the Battle of Singularity.

  • 2571 CE

    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 2571, the galaxy was enveloped in a planet-corrupting, life-destroying mist as the Celestial Sam’anar and the Aspect of Time Jack Chronis gave their lives to stop the demon known as Mephistopheles from materialising his dimension in our own. The galactic plague remained for the next 11 years, having seemingly destroyed everything outside the Union Sector and restricting anyone from leaving that area of the galaxy.

  • 2582 CE

    The Rift Wars
    Military action

    In 2582, several wars raged, known collectively as the Rift Wars due to their causes being all linked to the magic-killing Rift. Even after dealing with all three wars, nothing could have prepared anyone for what came next...

  • 2582 CE


    The Civil War

    In early 2582 tensions between Nightblood and Earth were at an all time high, with the Supernaturals of the east feeling like second-class exploited citizens under the strict eye of the GSU. The breaking point was Jaya Almis' attempt to occupy Nightblood and arrest Daniel Almis. When the people and military of Nightblood saw the approaching ships, they mustered a rebellion and drove away the Union in a harsh battle, establishing their independence. The Union however had fired an experimental Rift-powered weapon at the Nightblood Palace, destroying the building and the capital city; fracturing part of the planet and forming the floating islands it is known for today.

  • 2582 CE


    The Acheron Invasion
    Military action

    A decade after the Cataclysm that enveloped the Milky Way in a destructive Mist, the portal that was left over from Sam’anar and Jack Chronis’s (the aspect of time) became active for the first time, releasing a fleet of demonic ships that engaged the orbiting Union-Synergy Garrison. This conflict spiralled into a series of events that landed Union forces on the surface of the hellish realm, where they were forced to fight for their very survival. After the demonic leader Mephistopheles’ death, the portal closed and ended the invasion.

  • 2582 CE


    The Exiles War
    Military action

    The Civil War had ended with the Rift explosion at Nightblood Palace, after which Jaya Almis was saved from the evil influences of the Phoenix and taken to the Traveller's Dimension with the rest of the Almis family to prepare for the coming of the Rift itself; an entity of Celestial-killing rage. In the Traveller's Dimension the Exiles, as they came to be known, lived out the rest of their lives somewhat peacefully before the Rift finally came to face them. Despite their effort they were not able to stop the Rift King from causing the Extinction.

  • 2582 CE


    The Extinction
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the weakening of the GSU thanks to his influences in the Civil War and Acheron Invasion, and with the defeat of the Exiles, the Rift King caused a sudden galactic extinction event that caused the deaths of all Celestial-made species such as Elves, Dwarves, and Dragons. These individuals became petrified as they turned to rock, which slowly crumbled into dust in front of their comrades and friends. Magic also disappeared from the galaxy entirely, causing many blackouts across both Coalition and Union space. The factions called a truce as they tended towards rebuilding what they had all lost.

  • 2592 CE

    Return of Magic
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the long period of rebuilding society, Coalition researchers on Lucian discovered the magic Nexus crystals were still drawing power from some plane of magic. Through a combination of magical and technological research they discovered The Glow; presumably the last realm of magic created as a failsafe by the Celestials at their death. Supernaturals across the galaxy eventually learned to harness the Glow, and magic eventually return to near normality; although no sign of saving the extinct species ever showed.

  • 2594 CE

    CONCORD Founded
    Political event

    After much diplomatic effort from Thea Hagan and The Stranger, The Coalition Of Numerous Councils On Recon & Defense was agreed upon by all the remaining governments of the sector. They agreed to pool their resources and militaries into CONCORD to combat any future threats and bring peace to the galaxy; meeting as a council of planetary representatives to decide their courses of action whilst still maintaining degrees of autonomy in planetary matters. With Thea's power to see through time and space thanks to the Eyes of Nozdormu, she was appointed Director and led CONCORD seemingly into an era of uninterrupted peace...

  • 2796 CE

    Thea's Disappearance
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A grand peace in the sector ensued for 200 years, until suddenly Thea Hagan disappeared. CONCORD initially went into panic, unsure of the effectiveness of their peacekeeping without the all-seeing eyes of their Director. The galaxy sat in a sense of unease, with political tensions slowly building once again. No one knew what the future held now.

  • 2797 CE

    The Xarqiin Invasion
    Military action

    Without Thea Hagan's powers, CONCORD did not see the invading alien fleet coming for them. Suddenly the planet Arbor was under attack by a highly aggressive and advanced reptilian species. Their military deployed as quickly as they could to respond, trying to fight off this new deadly threat...

New Concord Era

  • 1 NCE

    The New Concord Agreement
    Political event

    After the devestating Xarqiin Invasion, the Governments of the Remnant Sector ratified the New Concord Agreement; turning CONCORD into a neutral trans-national military alliance rather than a supreme governing body. This meant the Second Galactic Systems Union and the Coalition of Independent Monarchies established their own territories under the agreement and a new era for the galaxy would begin.