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Veritas Orbital Platform

Serving as the nerve center and fleet command for AEGIS security forces, the Veritas Orbital Platform is an immensely powerful and important facility in orbit around Luna. A crucial hub for Terran space travel, Veritas is equipped with bleeding edge technology, acting as a gateway for all interstellar operations. The Station houses various essential facilities including the Lighthouse.  

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a specialized research and development section dedicated to the training of Lightkeepers and production of Guardian Frames. Here, brilliant scientists and engineers work tirelessly to design and refine cutting-edge technology for these powerful robotic exosuits. The Lighthouse serves as a center for innovation, where new Frame weaponry is developed and perfected before being deployed in combat.  

Frame Manufacturing

Frame Manufacturing is a vital production center responsible for the creation of Frames. Utilizing advanced production techniques, intricate machinery, and skilled technicians, this facility undertakes the precise and meticulous process of constructing the powerful weapon platforms. The production of Frames is a complex and crucial endeavor, ensuring that AEGIS forces are equipped with the latest and most capable technology to combat various threats.  


The Hangar is where craft docking procedures take place. Under the watchful eye of Shipwright Nova, all incoming and outgoing spacecraft are meticulously monitored and controlled. Whether it's attack ships or Starhawk Special Operations Transports, the Hangar acts as a bustling hub of activity.  

Launch Bays

The Launch Bays house an array of weaponry and gear ready to be deployed with Lightkeepers at a moments notice. From ion missiles to Injection Pods, this site is filled with various projectiles awaiting their moment to be fired. The launch bays are a critical part of Veritas' operational infrastructure, enabling the swift and efficient deployment of assets throughout the solar system.  

Training Center

The Training Center is a sprawling complex dedicated to honing combat skills and testing new technologies. It is a comprehensive facility that houses a huge firing range where personnel can practice their marksmanship and test various weaponry accessed from their Armory. Obstacle courses challenge individuals with physical and tactical challenges, and a large open area is available for trials of new equipment, tactics, and conducting simulated Combat scenarios.  

Medical Bay

The Veritas Medical Bay is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing advanced medical care and treatment. Equipped with bleeding-edge technology and staffed by highly trained medical professionals, it serves as a vital resource for the health and well-being of the station's inhabitants. From routine check-ups to emergency interventions, the Medical Bay offers a wide range of services, ensuring that the physical and mental well-being of the station's personnel is attended to with the utmost care and expertise.  


As Veritas accommodates a large number of personnel, the Barracks serve as the living quarters for its crew when they are off duty. This bustling residential area is not only a place for rest and relaxation but also a hub of information and camaraderie. It provides an opportunity for interactions and exchanges among the diverse individuals who call Veritas their home, offering insights, anecdotes, and direction from its numerous residents.  

Fleet Command

At the heart of Veritas’ operations, Fleet Command serves as the nerve center for coordinating and overseeing the vast array of ships under Veritas' jurisdiction. The control center tracks and directs everything from transport vessels to warships, ensuring efficient coordination, communication, and strategic decision-making across the fleet.  

Central Command

Central Command is the pinnacle of Veritas Station's administrative structure, commanded by the esteemed Admiral Alexander Varris. Housed within a highly advanced command center, this facility operates by a team of experts who monitor and oversee the station's critical systems, operations, and overall security. Central Command serves as the intellectual hub, where strategic planning, data analysis, and crucial decisions are made.