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Weapon Classes

Players can customize their preferred Weapons and Loadouts by taking consideration of the Weapon Classes they choose to use.   Weapons can be split into three distinct Classes:  
  • Light
  • Medium
  • Heavy
  Weapon Types that are generally found in their respective Classes may be found in multiple Class varieties and are almost never restricted to a single Class.  

Light Weapons

Light weapons are multi-purpose tools for most Combat scenarios. They suit players favoring agility, speed, and the ability to quickly engage in suppressive fire. Light ammo is fairly common to find and is stored in large quantities, so players will find themselves relying on this Weapon Class most often.  
  • Damage: Typically have lower damage output compared to their heavier counterparts, but often a higher fire rate and faster reload speed. They prioritize speed and versatility over raw firepower.
  • Loadout Cost: Lower point costs allows players to allocate more points to other equipment or abilities.
  • Weight: Low weight facilitates faster movement and agility while keeping player's Inventory Load low.
  • Mod Slots: Generally a lesser amount of total slots to attach Mods.
  • Power Level: Usually a lower Power Level compared to harder-hitting weapons.
  • Ammo: Often have moderate ammo consumption, striking a balance between sustained fire and conserving ammunition.
  These are generally Assault Rifles, SMGs, Sidearms, Carbines, and Gauntlets.    

Medium Weapons

Medium weapons are situational and fill specific niches. They strike a balance between utility and destructive power and are particularly useful for tackling high-priority targets with quick bursts of damage. Medium ammo can be sparse and players cannot store as much in reserves, so they cannot be used with reckless abandon.  
  • Damage: Medium weapons offer a balanced compromise between Light and Heavy weapons in terms of damage output, and are able to deliver quick, powerful bursts.
  • Loadout Cost: A moderate Loadout point cost allows for a balance between firepower and flexibility.
  • Weight: A balance between lightweight and hefty construction means a players may need to compromise mobility for damage.
  • Mod Slots: Usually multiple total slots to attach Mods.
  • Power Level: Mid-tier Power Levels can quickly lead to higher overall Power.
  • Ammo: A moderate to high ammo requirement makes these weapons extremely useful but demands tactical decisions on when.
  These are generally Shotguns, Targeting Rifles, Particle Coils, Swords, and Thrashers.    

Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons are the most powerful armament a player can carry. They are used for dealing large amounts of damage against powerful targets, or for dispersing large groups of enemies. Heavy ammo appears the least and players can only carry a limited reserve, so Heavy weapon use is generally reserved for more difficult encounters. Heavy weapons are ideal for players seeking maximum firepower, often at the cost of mobility and flexibility.  
  • Damage: Heavy weapons excel in raw damage output, making them formidable against both infantry and armored targets. They are designed for significant and severe impact.
  • Loadout Cost: High Loadout point costs require players to invest heavily in firepower at the expense of other equipment.
  • Weight: The bulkiest and heaviest of weapons, they significantly impact mobility and may limit agility and movement speed.
  • Mod Slots: Multiple slots to attach various Mods.
  • Power Level: Big damage leads to inflated overall Power Levels.
  • Ammo: High ammo consumption limits usage in prolonged engagements.
  These are generally Railguns, Machineguns, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Polearms, and Shields.