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Basic Information


Drakonis have three forms a humanoid, a dragon and a oni form. Drakonis are bipedal species that have four limbs, two legs and two arms, five digits on each hand and feet and have hairless bodies. They have hair on their heads and males are able to grow facial hair.   The second form, their dragon form, is also bipedal with four limbs, two legs and two arms, five digits on each hand and feet but they have scales covering either parts or their entire body, claws on their hands and feet which are a formed like that of a reptile, a dragon tail, dragon wings, dragon horns and sometimes even a dragon head.   Their third form, their oni form is also bipedal with four limbs, two legs and two arms but they can also have more arms, five digits on each hand and feet but they have very scales covering their entire body, claws on their hands and feet, sometimes a dragonic or demonic like tail, dark wings and a demonic face.

Biological Traits

Male Drakonis are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Drakonis are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth.    Drakonis are forced to change into their oni form by great anger, fear, from their survival instinct, at night and in dark or very dim light places, but experienced Drakonis are able to change into oni and dragon form at will.    Drakonis are forced to change into their dragon form when feeling the need to protect someone, being near other dragons or evil, being hit be an angelic light or force by an angel.

Genetics and Reproduction

Drakonis reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Drakonis from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Drakoni is considered a young adult. A Drakoni who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

Drakonis mostly either live under their Dragon or Oni relatives or alone. Drakonis are able to live anywhere in the world due to their abilities and biology. Drakonis are generally found in temperate, sub-artic, tundra or sub-tropical climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Drakonis in their humanoid and dragon form are omnivores that procure their food by hunting and gathering for it. Drakonis in their oni form are carnivores and obtain their food by hunting, their prey can include other races.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Drakonis age, eventually their bodies will reach a point where they can no longer sustain themselves and will eventually die. However, they live much longer lives than some other races such as Humans.


Being stronger, faster, generally smarter, and possessing longer life than Humans and most other races, Drakonis tend to consider themselves superior creatures. For good-aligned Drakonis, this may only mean they often consider humanoid races as children, trying to take care of them and educate them. For evil-aligned Drakonis, they consider humanoids as mere animals, or as toys to play with at best, they are minions and slaves, while at worst, they are the dragon's next dinner.   The longevity of Drakonis is evident in their often lackadaisical attitudes. Good-aligned Drakonis, while concerned with defeating evil, are able to see a much broader scope of the world, and although certain crises arise that may seem extremely important to good-aligned Humans, their Drakoni counterparts are able to see the event as an unimportant hiccup that will pass in mere centuries. Even those that adventure with others tend show a sense of incredible patience, even in situations where all others feel they've not a second to lose. Similarly, evil-aligned Drakonis that are crossed by belligerent adventurers may plot for dozens of generations before exacting revenge on the trespasser's line—it is not uncommon for those descended from the mentioned adventurer to find themselves the target of a Drakoni based simply on their lineage.

Additional Information

Social Structure

To most Drakoni, power and status should be decided on by strength, and nothing else. They sometimes fight with others, who disagree with this idea, but at some point the Drakoni will get bored and move on.

Facial characteristics

In oni form Drakonis faces are terrifying, demonic things - they often possess sharp fangs, strangely colored skin, and sharp and jagged features that lend them an imposing demonic visage few can tolerate or stand for long periods of time.    In dragon form Drakonis have a pair of dragon eyes, that come in various colours and ears with one nose and mouth or even a dragon hed. Some even have dragon scale patches on their cheeks, chin or forehead or even horns.    Male Drakoni are able to grow facial hair. In their humanoid form they have a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green and brown, and ears with one nose and mouth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Drakonis live in the same lands like their dragon and oni relatives, for example the Dragon Desert or the Hell Islands.

Average Intelligence

Drakoni tend to be quite intelligent on average. Some of them are well-equipped to blend into the societies of the humanoids by pretenging to just be a human, and often weasel their way into positions of power within such societies to better indulge in their hedonistic appetites with abandon earned from their Oni side.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drakonis predominantly use sight to observe the world around them but can use other senses such as hearing to do so as well.   In addition to the standard heightened condition that being part Oni gives them, when an Drakoni consumes alcohol, their powers and abilities are enhanced even further. The more they drink, the stronger they become, and because of their high alcohol tolerance, it is incredibly hard for them to become fully inebriated, allowing them to make full use of these boosted abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Drakoni names tend to titles or epithets rather than names - such as "The Horned King" or "Lord of the Caldera". However, they can also generally follow the same conventions of having a first name, a middle name, which is optional, and a surname or family name.

Beauty Ideals

Drakoni beauty ideals are based on their physical appearance, particularly musculature, and an individual's physical strength.

Gender Ideals

Drakonis don't treat sexes differently from each other, instead the strength of the individual dictates how they are treated.

Courtship Ideals

Drakonis court those they are attracted to by fighting them and if they win, they can then mate with the loser.

Relationship Ideals

Drakonis are monogamous and have one partner known as a soul mate. Drakonis are very protective of their partner and family. They will fight to the death to protect the ones they love. Same sex marriage is common in Drakoni society.

Average Technological Level

Drakonis who live away from civilization have a low level of technology and rely more on their dragon and/or oni form, they have access to stone tools, basic metals and wooden tools. Drakonis that integrated into civilization have a high level of technology.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bestial, Onigo, Human language, Draconic
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
The Successors of the Darkness and the Light
500 years
Conservation Status
Very rare
Average Height
The average female Drakoni height in humanoid form is 1.5‒1.9 m and the average male Drakoni height in humanoid form is 1.7‒2 m. The average female Drakoni height in dragon form is 2.2m and the average male Drakoni height in dragon form is 2.4m. The average female Drakoni height in oni form is 3m and the average male Drakoni height in oni form is 3.2m.
Average Weight
The average female Drakoni weight in humanoid form is 40‒111 kg and the average male drakoni weight in humanoid form is 56.2‒130 kg. The average female Drakoni weight in dragon form is 252‒293 kg and the average male Drakoni height in dragon form is 270‒310 kg. The average female Drakoni weight in oni form is 352‒393 kg and the average male Drakoni height in oni form is 370‒410 kg.
Average Physique
Drakoni are universally humanoid beings that can appear as both male and female, appearing both lithe and heavy-set, though they are more commonly seen with fit bodies ready to indulge in slaughter and death. Their bodies process food and calories incredibly quickly, meaning that while they can get large and obese, it is extremely rare for them to do so.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Drakoni skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown, Drakoni hair colour ranges from red, blond, brown, white, grey and black. A Drakoni scale colour in dragon form matches their hair colour in humanoid form or their personality. In their oni form their bodies can vary wildly in color, but are rarely "normal" colors - blood red, bright green, dark blue, and similar colors are common, with dark charcoal black also quite common.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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Aug 23, 2024 21:38 by DM SIr Swank99

I almost feel if I get bit by one of these creatures I would turn into one as well. It has a similar vibe of a wearfolk-like creature with the three forms. I am a big lover of dragons and it gives more eloquence to this than Kobold or Dragonborn would for dungeon and dragons races.

Aug 24, 2024 12:10 by Klee Asmodeus Morningstar

Glad you like it.