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Dragons are a race of powerful reptiles with two distinguishing characteristics: flight and fire generation, although not all dragons have both or either. They are a largely diverse group with many different features, varying throughout all species, and may consist of many orders on a taxonomic level. Most dragons can be tamed and have humanoid companions.

Basic Information


They are most likely warm-blooded. Strong evidence of this is the fact they live up in the cold north, and also that some species are able to take in things from their environment like geological minerals and water and produce enough internal heat to melt and/or boil the materials, while others are able to cool water down or produce ice.They have different types of firepowers, ranging from fire to ice, sonic sounds to acid, electricity to water.   Many dragon species are shown to adapt to their terrain for survival. Several dragons are implied to begin eating one type of eel in their environments while a few are naturally born eel-eaters.

Genetics and Reproduction

The number of eggs a dragon lay each brood depens on its race, but was usually low, between one and ten. Dragons of adult age, willform families consisting of the mated pair and their offspring. The children generally leave the family by the time they reach young adulthood. Older Dragons will continue to mate, but will assign a single parent to the duty of raising the offspring.   Thanks to some of them are able of shape-shifting, a few Dragons can also cross-breed with virtually any other creature, creating a Half-dragon. The most commonly heard of are in the humanoid races, particularly with Humans and Elves.    Any combination is possible, however, even with Demons or Angels. Most of the time when Dragons of different types crossbred it results in no offspring. Whenever offspring did occur between different types, the offspring's biology will almost always favor one of the parent's "type" over the other and might display characteristic that varied from its norm.    In very rare instances of crossbreeding yielding offspring, the resulting child's biology might favor neither parent. This might result in them being born as a new type or with albinism.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg: Dragon eggs come in a wide variety of shapes, size, and color, all of which help the egg survive better. Some of which even explode when hatching.   Tiny Tooth: Also known as the hatchling or baby, these dragons are small and extremely adorable.   Short Wing: Also known as the juvenile or teen stage, these dragons are slightly smaller than their full grown size. They start to develop traits and characteristics of their species, but their firepower may be weaker.   Broad Wing: These adults are fully grown and have developed all traits of their species.   Titan Wing: Titans are the rarest stage of dragons. They are physically faster and stronger than their younger counterparts, with different colors and more body parts like spikes and barbs. They are significantly larger and may tend to bully younger dragons. Though Titans may have the upper hand, it does not mean that they are undefeatable. They are less agile due to their size and can be defeated by several adults. However, they are still very powerful dragons.

Ecology and Habitats

Varies from species

Dietary Needs and Habits

While the natural diet of most dragon species is fish, they will happily eat other things, such as vegetables, and man-made food like bread. Most Dragons, however, eat fish like mackerel and Atlantic cod, and sometimes other forms of meat. Some Dragon races have been seen hunting wild boars. Some also enjoy eating sheep, so it may be that at least some of the other larger, land-based species do also. A few eating eels and some others likes chicken. Some Dragons, mostly very giant Dragons, eat other dragons. Some Dragons even eat invertebrates and small animals like Grubs and Sea Slugs. During the war with the Dragons, it is fairly clear that they were also willing to prey on Humans and other races.   Few dragons are also omnivores, adding some plant matter to their usual meat-based diet. Many Dragons have been seen feasting on a type of bush or shrub. Dragon Root and Dragon Nip are plants that dragons eat. The Dragon Root is loved by Dragons and can make them wild and fight over it. The Dragon Nip, on the other hand, soothes the wild Dragons. The Dragons also like Sagefruit, which is said to have the same effects as the Dragon Nip. All Dragons eat Vanaheim Fruit: a delicious and juicy red-pink fruit that is edible to Humans, other races and Dragons. Some can also eat other substances, such as rocks for food.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Dragons age, eventually their bodies will reach a point where they can no longer sustain themselves and will eventually die.    However, they live much longer lives than some other races such as Humans because of their descent of the Gods.


Dragons are tribal-level creatures, living in large colonies with their own kind and other Dragon species. A large Dragon normally controls the nest as an alpha. Alphas control Dragons either by earning their trust and loyalty by protecting them or scaring them into submission. They gather together to mate and lay eggs.    These behaviors have also moved on to other species such as Humans, as well as domesticated animals like sheep, cattle, and chickens, thanks to the training and semi "domestication" of Dragons. Night Furies are shown to mate for life, it is unknown whether other species mate for life or not. Some Dragons however, prefer hunting and living alone.   The average trained Dragons are loyal to their owners and most will protect them when they are in danger. They will do anything to earn their trust and will not leave them. The protective instinct for many Dragon species for not just their Riders and other Humans, but also for other animal species.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Pets, Transportation, Messaging, Warfare

Facial characteristics


Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As for their senses, which vary slightly depending on the species, Dragons are superior in most ways to other creatures - like any predator, they have exceptionally acute senses, which only increas with age.    Dragons have excellent depth perception and comparably good peripheral vision, able to see twice as well as a human in daylight. They have great night vision, and are able to see even when conditions have no light to offer, though not in color.   Dragons can also pick up scents very well, utilizing both their sensitive nose and often forked tongue, much like a snake. Their hearing is on par with human hearing, although their minds could filter what noise it hears.    Dragon taste is also refined, although they do not respond well to sweet flavors. Of all its senses, a Dragon's sense of touch is the only one to decrease with age, due mostly to the development of thick, hard scales.   Dragons are capable of blindsense, the sense in which eyes, ears, and other senses are used to detect invisible persons or objects.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
The seven classes are Boulder, Mystery, Sharp, Stoker, Strike, Tidal and Tracker.
Unknown, Created by Faith in some point in the past (suspected)
2500 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Discovered by


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