Northwest faerûn Reporting to Waterdeep

Reporting to Waterdeep



The party escorts the cult survivors to Waterdeep and warns the town of a possible demon incursion.

The morning after the demonic event, the party gathers their things and asks the surviving women if there's anything they can do to help. The women mention that they have hospitable friends in Waterdeep that they stay with when they visit the town. With that, they set out towards Waterdeep together, letting the women ride in their cart for the journey.   After a day and morning of travel, the party arrives outside the gates of Waterdeep. As they approach the gates, the guards ask them for papers before allowing them to enter. Trinn, having spent a good deal of time here in the past, presents his official documents. The others are required to answer a few questions, fill out a document, and agree to various rules before they are allowed in. As soon as they enter, Garret bids the party farewell for now and promises to meet them later.   Their first stop is to drop the women from the camp off at a location of their request: The Gilded Lady, a "pleasure house." The young women depart the cart and head inside, in high spirits despite last night's events.   The party splits for the afternoon to take care of some personal business and decides to meet at a tavern later. Reginald looks for diamond spell components and supplies for their journey south. Valamin wanders the city to do some sightseeing before. When he gets to the tavern, he asks if there is anywhere that he can "test his strength" in town. He's told to look into the coliseum, the Field of Triumph. Trinn sets off to purchase some spell scrolls from a merchant sponsored by The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors. While there, he asks the mages to look in to the name that Venomfang gave them: Vesaria. Marri'Elle stays with the cart fighting her anxiety in this highly populated stone jungle.   After meeting up again, Trinn decides to spend the rest of the day scribing his spells. The others head toward the Field of Triumph, where Valamin and Marri'Elle want to work off some stress and Reginald is looking for a dragonborn named Vakkar, referred by Daran Edermath. Vakkar turns out to be the organizer for the Field of Triumph. Vakkar says that there is a large band of ex-mercenaries that have turned bandits just outside of Waterdeep's reach, the Highsong Rovers. Vakkar also tells them of the infamous Yawning Portal, a pit to the undermountain full of trials, tribulations, and treasure.   The party returns to the inn to find Trinn right where they left him; scribing his spells. They eat and drink together before retiring to their rooms. Except Marri'Elle to heads to sleep in the wagon.   The party spends the next morning eating and talking in the tavern, recuperating from their recent events. In the afternoon, everyone but Marri'Elle heads to the mage's guild to follow up on Trinn's request for information about Vesaria.   They are greeted by Alyssa Beiric and shown to a private room where they discuss recent events and what Alyssa was able to gather about the name, "Vesaria." Trinn tells her about their encounter with Venomfang, the strange transmutation magic that made him abnormally powerful, and his claim to be a servant of Vesaria. Alyssa tells them that Vesaria was a vile, ancient sorceress who perished centuries ago. The mage guild doubts the validity of the claims that she is back because, if she was, her presence would be well known by now. She was not one for subtly.   After the discussion of Vesaria ends, the party also decides to bring up the demon summoning the encountered a few days prior nearby. They explain the story they were told and their concern that a portal has been opened. They present Corina's preserved corpse to Alyssa for questioning. After conferring with her superiors, she asks questions to verify their story and gather further information:

  1. What is your full name? Corina Felwith.
  2. Why were you summoning demons? To provide a sacrifice.
  3. Why were you sacrificing people to the demon? So it wouldn't come back.
  4. What happens if you fail to provide a sacrifice? He will reopen the portal he came through.
  5. What is the exact location of this portal? In the hills near Uluvin.
Satisfied with the answers, Alyssa agrees to relay the information to the City Watch and send out a force to investigate this portal. Trinn has one last request as they leave the guild: he asks Alyssa to look for anything related to the journal he found in Neverwinter about time magic. She agrees to look at it in due time. Upon their departure, Alyssa asks that they deliver Corina's corpse to the clerics at the Celestial Hand in the southern part of the Castle Ward. Valamin and Reginald take the corpse to the clerics, while Trinn heads to an Oghman temple to do his own research on time magic in general.
Afterward, Valamin and Reginald find Marri'Elle on the streets of Waterdeep and relay the information they received at the mages' guild. They decide to head to the City of the Dead in eastern Waterdeep to help with Marri'Elle's anxiety from the crowds. The City of the Dead is peaceful and scarcely populated, and they spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing and strolling through the graveyard park. When evening comes, the party, save Trinn, heads towards the Field of Triumph to watch the horse races. Some friendly bets among the party adds some additional fun to the spectacle.
While the others were at the Field of Triumph, Trinn found a rare book about intense time magic, called Chronurgy. Trinn steals the book from the Oghman temple for further research. The party heads back to the Last Round Inn and catch up with each other. After they all retire, Trinn continues to pour over the stolen book. There's no indication of when the book was written. The book itself seems to be a few decades old, but there's no way to tell if it's the original or a copy made for Waterdeep's archives. As Trinn gets deeper into the book, it becomes less speculation and more cautionary. Ultimately the wizard claims to have given up on this branch of magic and advises that others should too. No details of any spells are recorded, presumably in an effort to keep others from trying it for themselves.

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