Northwest faerûn Lledrith and Venomfang

Lledrith and Venomfang

Gathering / Conference


The party meets Lledrith on the road again and asks the head of Venomfang a few more questions.

The party decides to travel straight through the mountains and search for the corpse of the slain red dragon that Dorn Buckman told them about back in Neverwinter. They don't end up finding anything during their strenuous 5-day journey and it serves only to tire the animals and irritate Trinn.
After two more days of travel along the High Road, they are once again visited by Lledrith and her magical wares. They sell their Hew and Talon to her and buy a Bag of Holding and a Thunderous Flail. That evening, they ask the head of Venomfang five more questions:
  1. Where can we find your master if we want to contact him? She'll find you
  2. Are there any other dragons nearby Thundertree? We are many
  3. Where did you come from before Thundertree? The heavens
  4. Did anyone but the cultists contact you in Thundertree? I was approached by the Black Spider Nezznar
  5. What did Nezznar seek from you? No answer.

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