Bend Town

St Oswine's Temple, by DALL-E-3
by DALL-E-3
Imaginatively named so after the bend in the river. Bend has long been a site of pilgrimage for followers of Liandra, the goddess of healing, for one of her heralds is interred in the temple crypt. The most devout approach from across the marsh, using the trackways that cross the land, testing their faith as they stumble through the bogs that will come out the other side. The temple to Liandra reminds visitors from afar that in the old times even a remote place such as this deserved beauty.  

Aeld's Ravaging

The events that are covered in The Red Fang changed the town forever.
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Thousands died during The Nephew's Rebellion when King Aeld's nephews attempted to depose him. After a long campain Baron Odrick Commalnwas finally captured and many hoped the worst of the destruction was over but they were to be dissapointed.   Against the advice of his nobles, King Aeld ordered the town of Bend burned to the ground, along with most of its inhabitants. Many fled before they were captured but the priests of the Cult of the Red Hand put many to death in the name of their God. Toli and his men saved some but it did little to assuage their guilt.   Now all that's left of Bend is the river stone path that once led the way to the altar. Any pilgrims that make the journey walk across barren ground, slowly returning to nature.

Industry & Trade

Saint Oswine's Temple was once a popular stop on the pilgrim path drawing the devoted from all over the north and even as far away as Sondara. Followers of Liandra came from afar to see the bones of St Oswine, a man chosen to ascend and become the Goddess LIandra's herald.
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Acting on King Aeld's orders, the mercenary Ravin stole the herald's sarcophogous from the temple and handed it to Father Aldwin. The location of the bones are no longer known but believed to be in the possession of the Cult of the Red Hand.

Points of interest

The temple to Liandra and the bones of the herald.

Cover image: by dalle3


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