Red Fang Chapter 9

It was late in the day when they reached the glade, pausing at the top of a steep slope to survey the deep fold and its lush pasture. Forested hills hemmed the farm in on all sides, and a few cows grazed the long grass while goats munched alongside them. It surprised Toli to find somewhere so idyllic in the middle of what was mostly marsh and swamp. Only a few miles to the south, the land fell away once more to become the lakes, but here it was dry, with good soil and tall trees. It was an island in a sea of reeds.

On the edge of the meadow was a small farm, comprising a dilapidated barn and a long cottage surrounded by a hurdle fence. The thatch on both was bare in places and heavy with moss but Toli got a homely feel for the place and as they made their way down the steep trail and into the valley, he found himself imagining what it would be like to raise a family there.   The Fang went ahead of the column and spread out around the farm, dismounting to search the buildings while Toli escorted the king to the gate.   “Sire, please wait for my men to check first,” Toli said, but the king was already slipping from his saddle. A servant rushed forward to help him down and take the reins of his horse.   “I know this place. There’s no danger here, just old friends,” King Aeld said, but despite his words, his bodyguard fanned out into the yard, replacing Toli’s men, and searching the yard once more.   Leith emerged from the barn and waved a soldier away, shoving the man roughly when he tried to slip past him. The altercation that followed drew everyone’s attention, including the kings.  Leith, let him look,” Toli said, and signalled for his men to leave the yard. “The soldiers have it.”      
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