Red Fang Chapter 11

Despite the late hour and the drizzle, the town was alive with the shouts and fighting of drunken soldiers staggering along the streets. Broken glass glittered in the torches carried by Toli and his men as they entered the town on foot, their horses left at the stables just outside the town walls. They were a tired bunch and Toli felt like he had to carry them the short distance to the inn, or they would have fallen asleep in the street.

“Never thought I’d be glad to be back here,” Samuel said, shifting the strap for his shield so that it settled across his thick chest.   “It won’t be home for much longer,” Toli said.   “Toli,” Dallon said, catching up. “I was thinking I’d take a few of the lads and go straight to the dock to collect our rations.”   “Do it in the morning.” Samuel swore as glass crunched under his boot. “This place is one big midden pit.”      
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