
The village of Aqueduct is a small village built along the The Old Road by the end of a broken off aqueduct. The water is collected in a makeshift cistern and flows out into irrigation channels. The village is built along the irrigation channels, creating an interesting mix of village and agricultural land. The population is mostly human, with few others.   The aqueduct was said to have gone to an old Aurean mine in the desert, but was broken by a hobgoblin legion when they cut off travel along the Old Road in 4839 AY. The village was founded a few years later by settlers from Thelegon , who made use of the water flowing off the broken aqueduct to irrigate otherwise uninhabitable desert. Most of the population are farmers, while some others work at the small clay quarry or do small scale crafting and trade.   There is a caravansary at the edge of the village, were local vendors trade with passing caravans. There is an in called the Sopping Sword and a small temple to Nerralla, but otherwise the only buildings are small, sandstone houses.
Inhabitant Demonym
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