
"A pleasant little town, it's really too bad the water won't last much longer." -Tiberius V, King of Thelegon, Day 14 Month 10, 5042 AY
Sarth is a small village along the The Old Road between the Kingdom of Thelegon and the Aurean Empire. It is built next to a small oasis, said to once be much larger but now little more then a muddy pit. Most of the population works in farming and small scale crafting, largely to supply passing caravans. It is populated almost exclusively by humans.   It frequently receives caravans travelling the Old Road, and has a large caravansary at the edge of the village. The usually sleepy village comes to life whenever a caravan passes through, with a makeshift market going up near the caravansary and occasional performances by traveling entertainers. The village's mayor is Ramas Elothar, a retired adventurer who saved the town from a hobgoblin raid about a decade back. It has an inn called the Drunken Hyena, which is known for the giant hyena head mounted above the bar and is a popular watering hole for locals as well as travelers.   The village is most well known for the giant step pyramid that towers over it. The Sarth Temple, which stands on a hill about a quarter mile away, is over a 100 feet tall. It's age and original purpose are unknown, but locals say it was once a place of worship for a violent and evil god. Some even say the god, angry at his temples destruction, is the source of the towns oasis shrinking.


The town was first recorded by chroniclers in the Aurean army during it's invastion of the Rift in 3215 AY. The village and oasis were both much larger then, and the Sarth Temple was in active use. The temple is described in some in the chronicle as being devoted to a deity depicted as a bearded pig. The name and nature of this deity is unknown, with any records likely having been destroyed during The Purge.


Buildings in the village are built from locally quarried sandstone, and are largely small one or two room houses with only a few larger buildings. A number of abandoned buildings sit further from the oasis, many partially dismantled for use in buildings closer to the oasis.
Inhabitant Demonym
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