
Thelegon is the eponymous capital of the Kingdom of Thelegon, as well as its second largest city after Port Aegion. It is located along the Aegion River at the west end of the The Old Road. The city is known for its massive walls built in multiple layers around and throughout it. It is populated mostly by humans along with many halflings, especially around the harbor, and some people of other races.   Starting as a fortress, it has grown from a small military outpost into a thriving city, in large part due to the construction of the Old Road and the trade routes it encouraged that connected the Dragonpeaks to the northeast with the routes along the Aegion through the city. Today it acts as entrepôt for Aurean  merchants, receiving almost all trade entering the kingdom of Thelegon from the empire.


The Cities massive walls divide it into five districts; Lord's Hill, the Market District, the Harbor District, the Temple District, and the Clay District.   Lord's Hill is in the in the northwest portion of the city, and is the only area of Thelegon to not be completely flat, being built on a hill that presses against a small cliff. This makes it the most defensible part of the city, and it has the tallest portion of the walls, which tower above the rest of the cities defenses. It is the smallest district but includes the cities castle where the king resides and is home to most of the cities nobles as well as some of it's other wealthiest residents. It also holds the Royal University of Thelegon and several mage academies, as well as silos that continuously hold enough food to feed the cities entire population for months in case of a siege.   The Market District sits in the center of the city with other arrayed in a circle around it, and has the second highest set of walls. It is home to the rifts largest market, where most goods one can imagine are available for sale. The market itself is built inside of a large stone building, which is only one story tall and resembles a aboveground tunnel system that winds its way throughout the district, to keep shoppers out of the intense desert sun. The market has many entrances and the districts other buildings are built around it.   The Harbor District is built along the river in the southwestern portion of the city. It contains a large harbor for a river port, complete with a breakwater to keep the water relatively calm, along many warehouses.   The Temple District is in the northeast of portion of the city. It contains most of the cities temples, including those to the Divine Five, who are worshiped by most of the cities population.   The Clay District, covering much of the cities south and east, is the largest of the districts, though the least densely populated. It is also the poorest, with most of the district consisting of slums. It is the most recent of the districts to be walled in, and most of it's buildings are only one story houses. The district contains many old clay pits, like those common across the rift, some of which are still active. As most of the district is not connected to the city's sewers, many of the pits have filled with sewage and refuse, giving much of the district a strong smell.


The city was founded shortly after the start of the Aurean conquest of The Rift around 3215 AY. It would soon grow into a large city and would become the capital of the Aurean province of Aegion. In 4839 AY, when a hobgoblin legion cut off the old road to the Aurean Empire, the ruling faction of the city was able to take control of the southwestern provinces and form the Kingdom of Thelegon.
Founding Date
3215 AY
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization