
The city of Darus is located where the Lerthon river flows into the Aegion, on a set of hills around a small lagoon. It is the third largest city in the Kingdom of Thelegon after Port Aegion and Thelegon. The city is built around the lagoon, which holds it's harbor, and a market located on the small area of flat land to the lagoon's east, with the rest of the city built outwards onto the hills. The population is mostly human, with some halflings and others; including an unusual number of gnomes.   Darus is best known for its skilled craftspeople, some of Thelegon's finest, many of which are gnomes. It also has a large population of mages, who run the cities university and it's large library. The city has been a major center for magic users since the destruction of Lycanthum, and there are still a few elven wizards resident here who were present when the city was torn apart.
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization