
Vebrian was a town in The Southern Passes that was destroyed by orcs during The Mountain War. Founded long ago in the early empire, it was largely a trading town, where farmers and miners from outlying settlements would sell their goods to passing merchants, and was noted for a gigantic statue of a near forgotten early Aurean emperor that sits in the middle of town.   The mostly wooden town was razed in 4835 AY, and only its stone walls and keep remain. The area in between is simply overgrown rubble, kept clear of trees by the small group of giants now inhabiting the keep, who use any wood growing there to feed their hearths and forges. The statue of the emperor remains, sword still raised above the empty space.   Over the last couple centuries, as the Aurean Empire has tried to retake the region from orcs and giants, they have often gotten close to Vebrian but have never succeeded in reaching what remains of its walls. A saying, "victory ends at Vebrian", has become common within the Aurean legions, often as a metaphor for a hopeless cause. The only humans who now spend much time near Vebrian are Salvager tribes, who sometimes congregate near its walls.

4835 AY

Location under