
The city of Eutoria is the capital of the Kingdom of Eutoria, as well as it's northernmost possesion. In is nestled in a narrow pass in the southern Dragonpeaks. Eutoria is best known for the massive double walls that protect the city and the rest of the kingdom from attacks from The Southern Passes to the north. Eutoria is one of the only settlements in the Southern Passes, and by far the largest, to survive the fall of most of the passes to armies of orcs, goblinoids, ogres, and giants during the The Mountain War in 4835 AY.   Though once a large city in it's own right, the population has dwindled to include little beyond the governments administrators and the soldiers that guard the walls, as the economy dried up and residents fled to safer locales on the The Bularian Plain to the south. Today the city is largely just a fortress full of abandoned buildings and decaying Aurean monuments the kingdom can no longer maintain. As the kingdoms wealth and population has dwindled over the years so has the garrison it can maintain, and many have begun to worry about how much longer the city can survive.


The city is governed by a minister appointed by the cities monarch, usually a close relative. As the kingdom's ruler is a resident of the city, they also usually take a direct interest in it's affairs, and the current king has often become involved. Due to the large military presence, generals often have a strong role in local governance as well.


One of Eutoria's most striking features is it's large set of walls. The city is surrounded by a thirty foot outer wall, followed by a trench and fifty foot inner wall. Both walls include a large number of towers as well. A deep, dry moat surrounds the other fortifications. Due to a lack of funds to hire builders, the fortifications have been maintained by the cities garrison for the last few decades.


A truly ancient city, Eutoria was founded in 108 AY in the earliest days of the Aurean Empire, at that time marking the southernmost point of it's control. It would eventually become the capital of the province of Eutoria Superior, which was known simply as Eutoria before the settlement of Eutoria Inferior on the Bularian Plain in 1536 AY. It would become one of the empire's largest cities and an important center of trade, art, and learning.   In 4835 AY, while the empire's armies were distracted by rebelions in the east, massive armies of orc's, goblinoids, ogres, and giants descended from the heights of the Dragonpeaks to attack the empire's largely undefended mountain provinces. Of those provinces, Eutoria Superior was worst affected, as it was especially targeted by the giants, and most of the provinces cities soon fell to their armies. Due to it's great walls, Eutoria managed to survive, though it was the subject of multiple major sieges. However, with the rest of the province having fallen the city and the province of Eutoria Inferior to the south were severed from the rest of the empire, and would effectively become an independent kingdom.

Points of interest

After the cities massive walls, Eutoria is best known for a complex known as the Five Temples. Holding temples to each of The Divine Five, the complex is built around an extreamly large and domed temple to Deyallor in the center, with temples to Nerralla, Athis, Ithren, and Endil surrounding it. The temple of Deyallor in particular is known for it's impressive mosaics, which cover the bottom thirty feet of it's walls.   Though they were funded by the empire before it's collapse, the temples are now maintained only by the priests and funded by donations. A small stream of pilgrims still visit, often providing funds, but the priests still have difficulty maintaining them and they have in places begun to fall into disrepair.   The city is also known for it's large library. Many of the rarer and more valuable books have been moved to safer locations, largely to Southhold on the Bularian Plain, but it still contains vast stores of knowledge. The building itself is also admired for it's impressive architecture.
Founding Date
108 AY
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization