
Dunsorum is a largely ruined city in the The Southern Passes. It has been the center of Aurean military activity for the last several decades, and was only reclaimed by the empire seven years ago. The small number of residents live in the shadows of broken ruins, which tower over their small, often newly built wooden houses.   The inhabited portion of the city is largely on a hill at the eastern end, behind a second set of walls near the city's still largely ruined citadel. The city's main gate is in the west, as the eastern end is pressed against a stretch of hills, and those entering must pass through a long section of ruined and still mostly abandoned city to reach the inhabited portion. Despite the inner walls having been rebuilt the outer walls are in too bad of a condition to be defensible and are still largely abandoned. The inhabited portion of the city contains only barracks and other houses, a market, and temples to Deyallor and Nerralla.   Most people within the city are soldiers in the Aurean army, while the remainder are largely employed providing services too them. Members of The Order of the Silver Torch, a military holy order devoted to Deyallor, also have a strong presence in the city. The city is often visited by Salvagers, who trade at the cities market.


Dunsorum was originally built with an outer wall surounding the entirety of the city, with a moat on the outside. A higher inner wall surrounds a small area on a hill near the eastern end of the city, with a citadel perched on the top. The inner wall has been repaired, but the outer wall is badly enough damaged to be indefensible, and though parts of the citidel have been referbished and are in use its roof caved in long ago and has yet to be repaired.


Though the date of it's founding has been lost to time, Dunsorum is believed to have existed since the early days of the empire. It long played an important role as a center of trade but for most of the city's history it bore little other importance. However, with the outbreak of the mountain war in 4835 AY, the city soon found itself on the front lines of a war. It temporarily swelled with refugees fleeing from the giants, but commanders of the local garrison soon decided that it was not defensible enough to withstand the giants assult. The city was abandoned, and once the civilians had fled the soldiers put it to the torch and tore holes in the walls, ensuring the giants could not make use of it.   Like much of the western portion of the Southern Passes, Dunsorum has frequently been contested by the Aurean Empire and the other powers in the area. The Aurean Empire has retook the city from various groups of orcs, goblinoids, and giants many times since the outbreak of The Mountain War, most recently in 5036 AY, only seven years ago. These seven years have been the longest amount of time the empire has been able to continuously hold the city, which has given hope, however faint, to many in the empire that the tide may finally be beginning to turn in the Southern Passes.


Most of the buildings currently in use are wooden, as the area is thickly forested, and for the most part are newly built. Most surviving buildings from the city's height are built of stone. The facades of many of these buildings along the main road are intricately carved, though many of these are highly weathered and have suffered damage during the many years of war.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization