
Once a great city in the Aurean Empire, Stormhall is now lies in ruin, having been largely destroyed by an army of orcs, goblinoids, ogres, and giants during The Mountain War. Located in The Southern Passes, once the Aurean province of Eutoria Superior, the city was for thousands of years a center of art and craftsmanship. Both fine dwarven metalwork and art that fused Aurean and local dwarven styles were especially notable, due largely to the large number of dwarven artisans residing there.   However, in 4835 AY, near the start of the Mountain War, a large army led by giants but made up mostly of orcs and goblinoids attacked the city. Stormhall had fairly strong fortifications, and had withstood attacks by orcs in the past. But with the giants better organizational skills and the use of siege weapons, which orcs rarely make use of, the lightly defended city fell easily. Most of the population was killed and the rest enslaved by the giants. Most of the city is today a desolate ruin, with the cloud giant warlord Ghuldurak ruling from the partially rebuilt citadel.   A large, semi-permanent encampment sits just outside the city walls. It serves largely as a gathering place for Ghuldurak's armies, but has also become something of a market town for the area's remaining inhabitants, largely orcs with a smattering of humans, dwarves, and goblinoids. A few have even begun to construct wooden huts around the site to live in permanently. The ruins of the city itself, however, are off limits to all but a few, its grim walls guarded by Ghuldurak's most elite soldiers and its interior all but an empty shell.

4835 AY

Location under